I use the following code to paint the objects in a picture box as the picture box image so that I can next print it.

picTemp(myIndex).AutoRedraw = True
rv = SendMessage(picTemp(myIndex).hwnd, WM_PAINT, picTemp(myIndex).hDC, 0)
rv = SendMessage(picTemp(myIndex).hwnd, WM_PRINT, picTemp(myIndex).hDC, PRF_CHILDREN + PRF_CLIENT + PRF_OWNED)
picTemp(myIndex).Picture = picTemp(myIndex).Image
picTemp(myIndex).AutoRedraw = False

The print job looks just like the image in the picture box as it appears on the screen (i.e., pixel looking). Is there a way to cleanup the picture box image font appearance during printing so that the font looks like an MS Word print job?