
I am trying to derive a class from LinkLabel. I want to know when a link is added, changed, etc. I am doing this in C# and am pretty new to this all. I have the class derived and an event LinkChanged set up to fire, but it seems I have to manually fire this on the LinkClicked event, which is not what I want to do. I'd like to do it when I add, update, change the LinkCollection. Some info that may help. I have my own LinkDataEx class that I use for the LinkLabel LinkData property that is getting stored in the LinkLabel.LinkCollection. As I said, I am new to this. Could I somehow have my own derived class from LinkCollection and in my derived class and have that guy fire these events? I want to keep as much of the LinkLabel functionality, so any ideas on how to do this would be great.

As a side note, I would really prefer to do what I am doing like Microsoft does their Outlook Rules Wizard. There is a listbox in that wizard that makes each item in the listbox have the ability to have hyperlinks. Any idea how they are doing that?

Thanks for any help!
