I have previously developed all my source code under VC++ 6.0 under windows 2000.

I have upgraded my PC to XP and have now run into a problem using COleDateTime::ParseDateTime.

Whereas the following code fragment was working fine under any non XP windows machine, it now no longer works.

CString strDate;
COleDateTime coDate;

CTime tNow = CTime::GetCurrentTime();;
strDate = tNow.Format("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S");
strDate.Format("%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d",coDate.GetYear(), coDate.GetMonth(), coDate.GetDay(), coDate.GetHour(), coDate.GetMinute(), coDate.GetSecond());

Whereas the COleDateTime variable coDate would be set to a valid date time via the ParseDateTime function, it is now no longer doing so under XP.

Can anyone help?

Many Thanks.