
I have a hash map with int as a key and struct myStruct as the data.

I got to the conclusion that I shuold have a pointer to the struct since I have some copy operation,

this is how I define my table:

typedef std::hash_map<int, myStruct*> myStructTable;

myStructTable m_MyTable;

I have a loop that on compilation time, number of iteration is unknown. (loop on std::list)

on this loop I create on every iteration MyStruct

should I create it on advance as pointer to myStructTable and allocate it with a new

or can I creare MyStruct itself and put its address in the table

what I mean:

option 1: (no need to worry about deallocations)

MyStruct myStruct;
//my struct initialization

m_MyTable[key] = &myStruct

option2: (deallocate my hash_map items at the destructor (m_MyTable is a class member)

MyStruct *myStruct;
//my struct initialization

m_MyTable[key] = myStruct
