I am trying to use a Crystal Report Viewer Control 9 (that comes with Crystal Reports 9 Developers Vs) in my VB.NET application.

I have Crystal Reports 9.0 developers installed on my development machine, so I think I have all of the necessary dlls.

In my project, I got into toolbox - Components, browse to add Crystal Report Viewer Control 9 to my components list(crviewer9.dll).
I put the control on my form,
Friend WithEvents AxCRViewer92 As AxCRVIEWER9Lib.AxCRViewer9

it's initialized,
and then I add my own code to view the report after the user selects the report from the dialog box:

me.AxCRViewer92.ReportSource = dlg.FileName

it all compiles,
but when I run this app, first of all, my control comes up on the screen as a white rectangle.
and after I try to open the report, I get the following:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in axinterop.crviewer9lib.dll

Additional information: No such interface supported

I'm new to Crystal Reports, and I would really appreciate any help on using this Crystal Report Viewer Control 9. So far, I hasn't been able to find any info about it from Crystal Decisions. I need to use this control, and not the CrystalReportsViewer that comes with .NET because of some internal company issues.
