hi there,

just need to ask this, it is a pain in the backside, k, basically i have approximetly 6 JComboBox's, the first JComboBox's list is created and properly displays and everything with values i want it to this is basically at the start when the program starts running for the first time, now, basically the list for the the second JComboBox is dependented on what selected in the first combo box, so if i select say an item from the first combobox then a list will be generated, problem is i need to store or put that list in the second combo box. now here is a junk of coding i hope i have explained the problem properly, jus dunno why it doesnt put the new list/elements in the combobox at runtime, here is the coding

symptoms = new JComboBox();

symptoms.setBounds(40, 100, 200, 30);

new ItemListener() {
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
Object testout = symptoms.getSelectedItem();
String testout2 = testout.toString();


printS = new JTextField();
printS.setBounds(40, 130, 200, 30);
printS.setEditable (false);


this is the first combo box, which works properly, now, what the user has selected is put in a method thats stores new values to a file. then the file is read in and elements added to the combo box,

question is how do i do that for the second combobox which the program is running??

thankx, would really really appreciate your help, just cant get anywhere. thankx