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Thread: hashing help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    hashing help

    Hi. I am supposed to store a Student class in a hash table. The hash table is supposed to use the student number as the key. My professor already created the hash table code, and I am supposed to use it to create a main program to store student numbers in it. I am even having a problem creating a hash table object, which my prof refers to as an index.

    Here is my professor's code for index.hpp

       #ifndef INDEXCHT_HPP
       #define INDEXCHT_HPP
    	// Index: Header File
    	template <class Etype, class Ktype>
    	// Index stores elements of Etype with keys of Ktype
    	// Assumptions: 1) Key values are unique
    	//              2) Etype is an object with methods Key and Hash
    	class Index
      	enum KindOfEntry { active, empty, deleted };
      	// Constructor
      	// Input  : None
      	// Purpose: To create an empty Index
      	// Output : None
        Index ( );
      	// Copy constructor
      	// Input  : None
      	// Purpose: To initialize Index to I
      	// Output : None
        Index ( const Index & I );
      	// Destructor
      	// Input  : None
      	// Purpose: To free memory of Index
      	// Output : None
        ~Index ( );
      	// Copy assignment
      	// Input  : Index I
      	// Purpose: To assign I to current Index
      	// Output : Current Index
        const Index & operator= ( const Index & I );
      	// Insert
      	// Input  : Element E
      	// Purpose: To place E into the Index
      	// Assume : No duplicate keys are allowed
      	// Output : 1 if successful; 0 otherwise
        int Insert ( const Etype & E );
      	// Update
      	// Input  : Element E
      	// Purpose: To replace E in the Index
      	// Output : 1 if successful; 0 otherwise
        int Update ( const Etype & E );
      	// Remove
      	// Input  : Key K
      	// Purpose: To remove the element with key K from Index
      	// Output : 1 if successful; 0 otherwise
        int Remove ( const Ktype & K );
      	// Retrieve
      	// Input  : Key K
      	// Purpose: To return element E with key K from Index
      	// Output : Element E and 1 if successful; 0 otherwise
        int Retrieve  ( const Ktype & K, Etype & E ) const;
      	// Clear
      	// Input  : None
      	// Purpose: To re-initialize Index to empty
      	// Output : None
        void Clear ( );
      	// DoubleArray
      	// Input  : None
      	// Purpose: To double the maximum size of Index (to the nearest prime)
      	// Output : None
        void DoubleArray ( );
      	// Prime
      	// Input  : Integer N
      	// Purpose: To check if N is a prime number
      	// Output : 1 if N is prime; 0 otherwise
        int Prime ( int N );
      	// NextPrime
      	// Input  : Integer N
      	// Purpose: To find the next prime integer greater than N
      	// Output : The next prime integer greater than N
        int NextPrime ( int N );
      	// FindPos
      	// Input  : Key K
      	// Purpose: To find the location of the first empty hash entry or
      	//          To find the location of the element with key K
      	//          (whichever comes first)
      	// Output : The location
        unsigned int FindPos ( const Ktype & K ) const;
      	// Data members
        // Hash table entry
        struct HashEntry
        	Etype Element;
        	KindOfEntry Info;
        	// HashEntry constructors
        	HashEntry ( ) : Info ( empty )
        	{ }
        	HashEntry ( const Etype & E, KindOfEntry T = active ) :
            	Element ( E ), Info ( T )
        	{ }
        // Current and maximum size of Index
        int CurrentSize, MaxSize;
        // Dynamic array to store the elements of Index
        HashEntry *Array;
    And here is the index.cpp

    	#include "indexcht.hpp"
    	#include <iostream.h>
    	// Index: Implementation File ( Closed Hash Table )
    	// Notes: 1) Delete and new functions are assumed to take constant time.
    	//        2) Expected time complexity is based on linear probing
    	//           (NOT quadratic probing as implemented).
    	//        3) Non-independence of probes (i.e. primary clustering)
    	//           is assumed.
    	//        4) U is defined as the percentage of empty cells.
    	//           L (Load factor) is defined as the percentage of non-empty cells.
    	//        5) The hash function is assumed to take constant time.
    	// Initial size of Index
    	static const int InitHTSize = 11;  // Prime
    	// DoubleArray
    	// Time complexity: O(n)
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::DoubleArray ( )
      	HashEntry *OldArray = Array;
      	int OldSize = MaxSize;
      	CurrentSize = 0;
      	MaxSize = NextPrime ( 2*MaxSize );  // Table size must be prime
      	Array = new HashEntry [MaxSize];
      	for ( int i=0; i<OldSize; i++ )
        if ( OldArray[i].Info == active )
        	Insert ( OldArray[i].Element );
      	delete [] OldArray;
    	// Prime
    	// Time complexity: O(sqrt(n))
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::Prime ( int N )
      	for ( int i=3; i*i <= N; i+=2 )
        if ( N % i == 0 )
        	return 0;
      	return 1;
    	// NextPrime
    	// Expected time complexity: O(log n)
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::NextPrime ( int N )
      	// Ensure N is odd
      	//if ( N % 2 == 0 )
      	//	N += 2;
      	for (; !Prime ( N ); N += 2 );
      	return N;
    	// FindPos
    	// Expected time complexity (with linear probing):
    	//              (1 + (1/(U^2)))/2  if Element with K is NOT found
    	//              (1 + (1/U))/2      if Element with K is found
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      unsigned int
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::FindPos ( const Ktype & Key ) const
      	Etype E;
      	unsigned int i = 0;
      	unsigned int CurrentPos = E.Hash ( Key ) % MaxSize;
      	while ( Array[CurrentPos].Info != empty &&
           Array[CurrentPos].Element.Key( ) != Key )
        // Quadratic probing
        CurrentPos += (2 * ++i) - 1;   // Step size is the next odd number
        if ( CurrentPos >= MaxSize )   // Wrap around
        	CurrentPos -= MaxSize;
      	return CurrentPos;
    	// Constructor
    	// Time complexity: O(1)
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::Index ( ) : MaxSize ( InitHTSize ), CurrentSize ( 0 )
      	Array = new HashEntry [MaxSize];
    	// Copy constructor
    	// Time complexity: O(n)
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::Index ( const Index<Etype,Ktype> & Rhs )
      	Array = NULL;
      	*this = Rhs;
    	// Destructor
    	// Time complexity: O(1)
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::~Index ( )
      	delete [] Array;
    	// Copy assignment
    	// Time complexity: O(n)
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      const Index<Etype,Ktype> &
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::operator= ( const Index<Etype,Ktype> & Rhs )
      	if ( this != &Rhs )
        delete [] Array;
        MaxSize = Rhs.MaxSize;
        CurrentSize = Rhs.CurrentSize;
        Array = new HashEntry [MaxSize];
        for ( int i=0; i<MaxSize; i++ )
        	Array[i] = Rhs.Array[i];
      	return *this;
    	// Insert
    	// Amortized expected time complexity:
    	//              (1 + (1/(U^2)))/2  if 1 is returned
    	//              (1 + (1/U))/2      if 0 is returned
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::Insert ( const Etype & Element )
      	unsigned int CurrentPos = FindPos ( Element.Key ( ) );
      	if ( Array[CurrentPos].Info == active )
        return 0;
        if ( Array[CurrentPos].Element != Element )
        	Array[CurrentPos] = HashEntry ( Element );
        	// U >= 0.5 (Table size must be at least half empty)
        	if ( ++CurrentSize > MaxSize/2 )
          DoubleArray ( );
        	Array[CurrentPos].Info = active;
        return 1;
    	// Update
    	// Expected time complexity:
    	//              (1 + (1/(U^2)))/2  if 0 is returned
    	//              (1 + (1/U))/2      if 1 is returned
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::Update ( const Etype & Element )
      	unsigned int CurrentPos = FindPos ( Element.Key ( ) );
      	if ( Array[CurrentPos].Info == active )
        Array[CurrentPos] = HashEntry ( Element );
        return 1;
        return 0;
    	// Remove
    	// Expected time complexity:
    	//              (1 + (1/(U^2)))/2  if 0 is returned
    	//              (1 + (1/U))/2      if 1 is returned
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::Remove ( const Ktype & Key )
      	unsigned int CurrentPos = FindPos ( Key );
      	if ( Array[CurrentPos].Info == active )
        Array[CurrentPos].Info = deleted;
        return 1;
        // Note that CurrentSize remains unchanged
        return 0;
    	// Retrieve
    	// Expected time complexity:
    	//              (1 + (1/(U^2)))/2  if 0 is returned
    	//              (1 + (1/U))/2      if 1 is returned
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::Retrieve ( const Ktype & Key, Etype & Element ) const
      	unsigned int CurrentPos = FindPos ( Key );
      	if ( Array[CurrentPos].Info == active )
        Element = Array[CurrentPos].Element;
        return 1;
        return 0;
    	// Clear
    	// Time complexity: O(n)
      template <class Etype, class Ktype>
      Index<Etype,Ktype>::Clear ( )
      	CurrentSize = 0;
      	for ( int i=0; i<MaxSize; i++ )
        Array[i].Info = empty;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    my post was too long so i had to reply to my own post:

    I tried creating it like this:

    Index <Student, Student.itsID> I;

    But it gave me a error:

    error C2143: syntax error : missing ',' before '.'

    It is my understanding that it should be like this:

    Index < class Etype, class Ktype>

    in my notes the teacher referred to the class as the Etype and the student ID in the class as the Ktype. But in the code it is referring to the class, which student ID is not, it is a data member! I am confused.

    Anybody understand hashing or my professor's code that can help me? I really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Punjab, India
    Pass the type of itsID member of Student class
    i.e. if in class Student you have declared itsID as
    int itsID
    Index <Student, int> I;

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    thanks a lot, it worked!

    could you explain to me why it said Index < class Etype, class Ktype> why does it refer to Ktype as a class? is int a class?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    thanks a lot!

    When I insert a Student S with age 4 and ID 5, and by the way I set the Student ID as the key.

    Main Code:
    int key =0, insertSuccess =0, retrieveSuccess;
    Student S;
    Student Answer;
    Index<Student, int> I;
    insertSuccess = I.Insert(S);
    cout << "Insert success = " << insertSuccess<< endl;
    retrieveSuccess = I.Retrieve(5,Answer);
    cout << "Retrieve success = " << retrieveSuccess<< endl;
    cout << "Answer.ID = " << Answer.getID << endl;
    cout << "Answer.Age = " << Answer.getAge << endl;
    Student Class:
    #ifndef STUDENT_HPP
    #define STUDENT_HPP
    class Student
    	// data members
    	int itsID;
    	int itsNumber;
    	char itsName[20];
    	int itsAge;
    	char itsCollege;
    	// constructor
    	Student ();
    	// destructor
    	~Student ();
    	int Hash (int key);
    	int Key () const;
    	void setID (int id);
    	int getID ();
    	void setStudent(char name[]);
    	int getStudent();
    	void setNumber(int number);
    	int getNumber();
    	void setAge(int age);
    	int getAge();
    	void setCollege(char college);
    	char getCollege();
    	bool operator != (const Student &S) const
    		if (itsID != S.itsID)
    			return true;
    			return false;
    #include "student.h"
    #include <iostream.h>
    Student::Student ()
    // Student destructor
    Student::~Student ()
    int Student::Hash (int key)
    	return key;
    int Student::Key () const
    	return itsID;
    void Student::setID (int id)
    	itsID = id;
    int Student::getID ()
    	return itsID;
    void Student::setNumber(int number)
    	itsNumber = number;
    int Student::getNumber()
    	return itsNumber;
    void Student:: setAge(int age)
    	itsAge = age;
    int Student::getAge()
    	return itsAge;
    void Student::setCollege(char college)
    	itsCollege = college;
    char Student::getCollege()
    	return itsCollege;
    I think my insert works fine, but I could be wrong. I am trying to check if it inserted correctly and that is why I am trying to retrieve the Student class. When I try to retrieve it using a key that is not 5 it gives me 0 that it did not retrieve it, which should be correct because the key should be 5. Only when I put 5 in:

    retrieveSuccess = I.Retrieve(5,Answer);

    it gives me the answer 1 for retrieveSuccess that it retrieved that key since I set the ID to 5. Now the problem is that when I put the Student class into Answer, and I use Answer.getID and Answer.getAge it does not display the ID to 5 and Age to 4 but ID as 1 and Age as 1. Anybody can help me? Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by saiz66; June 26th, 2004 at 01:14 AM.

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