AfxBegineThread works but madness follows

I am new to Microsoft Visual C++ .NET multithreading
But not new to multithreading .My application
Loads in databases and starts a thread that opens a (tree view window)
for each DB

UINT dbTreeThead( LPVOID pParam )
struct _db *db = (struct _db *) pParam ;
struct _nvdbTreeView *dbt ;

// Allocate the DB tree view control structure and link in the DB
dbt = (struct _nvdbTreeView *) calloc(1,sizeof(*dbt)) ;
dbt->db = db ;
dbt->index = db->rootIndex ;
dbt->nvdb = db->nvdb ;
dbt->wId = IDC_TREE1 ;
db->treeView = dbt ;

// Initialize and run the DB tree views dialog box
DialogBoxParam( db->nvdb->hInst,
(DLGPROC) treeBoxMain,
(LPARAM) dbt) ;
return 0; // thread completed successfully

for ( db = nvdb->db ; db ; db = db ->next)
AfxBeginThread(dbTreeThead, db);

This works Fine but you get some items form one thee view window in
An other window

If I put Sleep (4000) in the dispatch loop the problem is fixed of curse
All I found out was you need to do more work to multithread dialog
Boxes but have got lost is their eqv to AfxBeginThread ?

And why was multithreading built in from the very start!