Hi Everyone,

This has been a great rescource for me. Just reading had taught a lot.

However, I am puzzled by a problem and if someone could help I sure appricate it.

I have seen various threads, but nothing spacific to my problem.

I want to write my own auto greeter program for Paltalk. (Yes that pesky chat program) I also want to write it for another chat program, and I figure if I can get something to work on paltalk, I should be able to just change the windows to look for new handles, yes?

I have code that works perfectly fine sending text to the chat room. However, I can't seem to get anything to work on looking for spacific text and then triggering a fuction based on that text.

*** SomeUserName has joined the group ***

That is the trigger text.

I want the program to be able to use a variable, most are using %S for screen name, so that it can wait for any user name like this: *** AnyUserName has joined the group *** and then trigger text to be sent, like this:
Welcome AnyUsername to "the room they just joined" and maybe some other text after that.

I have been asking some people who have written programs for paltalk and they dont seem to want to share this bit of code. Or even help for that matter.

So, I turn to the gurus at CodeGuru.

Here is my send text code that works great with some direction from people here.

Private Function PALSEND(Text2Send As RichTextBox, ColoredText As Boolean)

Dim MYWindowClass As Long
Dim wtlsplitterwindow As Long
Dim ATLD As Long
Dim atlaxwin As Long
Dim X As Long
Dim richedita As Long

MYWindowClass = FindWindow("my window class", vbNullString)
wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(MYWindowClass, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
ATLD = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, vbNullString, vbNullString)
atlaxwin = FindWindowEx(ATLD, 0&, "atlaxwin71", vbNullString)
X = FindWindowEx(atlaxwin, 0&, "#32770", vbNullString)
richedita = FindWindowEx(X, 0&, "richedit20a", vbNullString)
richedita = FindWindowEx(X, richedita, "richedit20a", vbNullString)
If ColoredText = True Then
Call SendMessageByString(richedita, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Text2Send.TextRTF)
Call SendMessageByString(richedita, WM_SETTEXT, 0&, Text2Send.Text)
End If
If richedita <> 0 Then
Call SendMessage(richedita, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0)
Call SendMessage(richedita, WM_KEYUP, VK_RETURN, 0)
Loop Until richedita <> 0
Exit Function
End If

End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()

RTB5 = (RTB1.Text & " " & RTB2.Text & ":" & RTB3.Text & " " & RTB4.Text)

With RTB5
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Size = 10
End With

Call PALSEND(RTB5, True)

End Sub

As I understand it, I need to just count back one from the input RTB to the text window above it which is where the text to watch for is located.

I do have this code:

Public Function GetText()

Dim wtlsplitterwindow As Long, atl As Long, atlaxwin As Long
Dim X As Long, richedita As Long
wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindow("wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
wtlsplitterwindow = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "wtl_splitterwindow", vbNullString)
atl = FindWindowEx(wtlsplitterwindow, 0&, "atl:00504680", vbNullString)
atlaxwin = FindWindowEx(atl, 0&, "atlaxwin71", vbNullString)
X = FindWindowEx(atlaxwin, 0&, "#32770", vbNullString)
richedita = FindWindowEx(X, 0&, "richedit20a", vbNullString)
Dim TheText As String, TL As Long
TL = SendMessageLong(richedita, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0&, 0&)
TheText = String(TL + 1, " ")
Call SendMessageByString(richedita, WM_GETTEXT, TL + 1, TheText)
TheText = Left(TheText, TL)
End Function

and what I wanted to do was put another command button with a text window to just press and let it grab what ever was in the text window in question and place that in the text box to make sure I was watching the right window.

So I did this:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Call GetText

Text1.Text = TheText

End Sub

But that seemed too simple.

I also used the winspector spy and got a lot of message traffic, but I guess it must be over my head with regard to using it.

I have found out what I needed to do with GetText.

Now I can populate a textbox with the text from the correct window.

Here is what I am looking for:

I would like help for a trigger type event to watch for a spacific symbol. The "!" Or the " ***"
This is the trigger to tell my program to run another event. Like !find (and the search string, etc) To search a database and return the results back to the chatroom.

What api call should I use? Would it work to use some sort of timer event to watch for that particular symbol and that word?

The window that I am watching has all sorts of text as its the main chat window for the program I would like to capture the text from.

I had thought of useing a timer subroutine to look for new text, but wouldnt that cause a large amount of system rescources to be used? Looping and looping till the time interval is up?

Any help would be appreciated
