My JavaScript based Scroller don't work in Opera 9 Final!
I know only PHP, mysql and xhtml with css. So can someone alter this code for me and test it?

Thank you in advance!

<script type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;

function flevGetDivProperty() { // v1.0
this.opera = (window.opera); this.ns4 = (document.layers); = (document.all);
this.ns6 = (document.getElementById && !document.all && !this.opera);
var sV = "", sD = arguments[0], oD = MM_findObj(sD), sP = arguments[1]; if (oD == null) {return 0;}
var sF = (sD.indexOf("?") > 0) ? sD.substring(sD.indexOf("?")+1) : "";
if ((sF != "") && ( {sD = "parent.frames['" + sF + "']." + sD.substring(0,sD.indexOf("?"));}
if ((sP == "left") || (sP == "top")) {
if (!this.ns4) {oD =;} sV = eval("oD." + sP);
if (( && (sV == "")) { // IE (on PC) bug with nested layers
if (sP == "top") { sV = eval(sD + ".offsetTop");}
else { sV = eval(sD + ".offsetLeft");}}}
else {if (this.opera) {oD =;
if (sP == "height") { sV = oD.pixelHeight;}
else if (sP == "width") { sV = oD.pixelWidth;}}
else if (this.ns4) {sV = eval("oD.clip." + sP);}
else if (this.ns6) {sV = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(oD, "").getPropertyValue(sP);}
else if ( {
if (sP == "width") {sV = eval(sD + ".offsetWidth");}
else if (sP == "height") {sV = eval(sD + ".offsetHeight");}}}
sV = (sV == "") ? 0 : sV; if (isNaN(sV)) {if (sV.indexOf('px') > 0) { sV = sV.substring(0,sV.indexOf('px'));}}
return parseInt(sV);

function flevMoveDiv(sD, sX, sY){ // v1.4
var oD = MM_findObj(sD), sS=""; if (!oD) {return;}
if (!document.layers) {oD =;} // not NS4.x
if((parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>4 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")>-1) && (!window.opera)) {sS="px";}
if (sX != "") {eval("oD.left = '" + sX + sS + "'");}
if (sY != "") {eval(" = '" + sY + sS + "'");}

function flevAutoScrollDivs() { // v1.2
var aA = arguments, iA = aA.length, oD = MM_findObj('AutoScrollContainer'); if (!oD) {return;}
if (oD.scrollTimeout != null) {clearTimeout(oD.scrollTimeout);}
var sID1 = 'AutoScrollContainer', sID2 = 'AutoScrollContent';
var iSS = (iA > 0) ? parseInt(aA[0]) : 1, iPx = (iA > 1) ? parseInt(aA[1]) : 1;
var iMs = (iA > 2) ? parseInt(aA[2]) : 50;
var iST = (-1 * flevGetDivProperty(sID2, 'height')), iSB = flevGetDivProperty(sID1, 'height');
var iCX = flevGetDivProperty(sID2, 'left'), iCY = flevGetDivProperty(sID2, 'top');
if (iSS) {if (iCY >= iST) {flevMoveDiv(sID2, String(iCX), String(iCY-iPx));} // Continue scrolling
else {flevMoveDiv(sID2, String(iCX), String(iSB));} // Re-position scrolling layer at bottom of container
oD.scrollTimeout = setTimeout("flevAutoScrollDivs(" + iSS + "," + iPx + "," + iMs + ")", iMs);}