I am facing a problem:

I have say 3 files :

ABC.h ----- this file has the function prototypes
ABC.cpp ------ the definitions of the functions
ABC_Test.cpp ------- the file with main() which calls the functions using ABC's object say "ob".

Now I want to make a function say "startNewThread()" inside ABC.cpp and its prototype in ABC.h, then where should I define

static DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc(LPVOID pvParam);

function. Inside ABC_Test.cpp or inside ABC.cpp

Also Iwill call the createThread() of Win API inside startNewThread() and pass the ThreadFunc as one of its parameters. If this is possible, then its OK. But if I have to call some function of mine say

void ABC :: printXYZ() inside ThreadFunc , then how can I do this. I do not have my object say ABC ob; i.e. "ob" inside my ThreadFunc.

Please reply, if possible with a EXAMPLE code
