The exception is:
Exception details: This remoting proxy has no channel sink which means either the server has no registered server channels that are listening, or this application has no suitable client channel to talk to the server.

This occurs when the server attempts to call methods (or delegates to) on a proxy to the client.

First the client "registers" with the server:

	int Controller::ConnectClient(SmartPrioritizer2::IClient^ client)
		for (int findFreeId = 1; findFreeId < MAX_CLIENTS; findFreeId++)
			if (!clients->ContainsKey(findFreeId)) {
				clients->Add(findFreeId, client);
				return findFreeId;
		return -1;
The server remember the proxy for the client. Later, the server tries to notify the client of new data:

	void Controller::TransmitProcessUpdated(ProcessController^ processController)
		array<int>^ ids = gcnew array<int>(clients->Keys->Count);
		clients->Keys->CopyTo(ids, 0);
		for (int index=0; index < ids->Length; index++)
			IClient^ client = (IClient^)clients[ids[index]];
The client->OnUpdateProcess part is where the exception occurs

This seemed to be a common problem with the switch to .Net 1.1, but as I am using VS 2005 and .Net 2.0 I haven't found anything with quite the same setup.

Nonetheless, I did what the old solutions said.

On the client side I have added:

channel = gcnew TcpChannel();
ChannelServices::RegisterChannel(channel, true);
I even went as far as:

//Create custom formatters for a TcpChannel sink chain.
BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider^ serverFormatSinkProvider = gcnew BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider();
serverFormatSinkProvider->TypeFilterLevel = System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::TypeFilterLevel::Full;
BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider^ clientFormatSinkProvider = gcnew BinaryClientFormatterSinkProvider();
// Creating the IDictionary to set the port on the channel instance.
System::Collections::IDictionary^ props = gcnew System::Collections::Hashtable();
props["name"] = "Smart Prioritizer 2 Client";
TcpChannel^ channel = gcnew TcpChannel(props, clientFormatSinkProvider, serverFormatSinkProvider);
I also took the sames steps on the server side - still the same problem. Does anyone have an understanding of the problem that I'm not getting, or maybe an out-right solution. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.