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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Low pass filter in Visual c++

    How do i implement a low pass filter function in Visual c++ with the following function :

    Y(n+1) = µ ( x- y(n) ) + y(n)

    with µ = t/ ( t + constant )

    x being the input
    yn being the output
    y(n+1) being the next output which has to be found

    Thanks !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    U will do this by a recursive function call.

    Since the function F is eating it's own output.

    U create a function CalculateY(int y)

    and in the function u replace the y(n) with a call to the function it self.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Timisoara, Romania

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    Well, I disagree. I don't know what a low passing filter is, but I'm pretty sure the recursive approach would have a low performance. You can use an iterative approach.
    double µ = t / (t + constant);
    // initialize y[0]
    double yn = 0;
    // initialize y[n+1] with y[n]
    double yn1 = yn;
    // run a while until a contition is satisfied
      yn1 = µ * (x - yn) + yn;
      yn = yn1;
    // here you have the yn1 as y[n+1]
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    Thanks ! let me try it out ...
    Last edited by sdherzo; April 23rd, 2007 at 04:58 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    A low pass filter is used to smooth out a value which varies over time. The BASS control on a stereo is one example.

    Cilu's samply is on the money, but can also be looked at:
    double µ = t / (t + constant);

    double input[10000]; // ASSUME this is initialized somewhere or is read from an exernal source inside the loop.

    double output[10000];

    double output[0] = input[0];
    // run a while until a contition is satisfied
    while(for t=1; t<10000])
    output[t] = µ * (input[t] - output[t-1]) + output[t-1];


    output[t] = µ * input[t] + (1-µ) * output[t-1];

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    Thanks guys for your replies !! That code works ... but unfortunately i have to do a bit more with the low pass... I am getting values from a A/D converter through a USB Port into my comp , these values have to be sent into the low pass ( into the code above - the variable (input ) & i have to plot the values i get from the output ( always - "output t ) in real time ... any suggestions there ??

    I will be greatful for ur help !


    This is my code for normally giving out the values ... i real time! how do i get the output values of this prog ( "rawADvalue" - CurValue" ) get into my low pass & then plot the output ??

     * Functions:  WinMain
     *             MainMessageHandler
     *             CleanUp
    /* Include files */
    #include <windows.h>                    /* Compiler's include files's */
    #include <string.h>                   
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "..\cbw.h"                        /* Universal Library's include file */
    #define BOARD_NUM      1                /* Number of A/D board as defined with InstaCal */
    #define BUF_SIZE       30000            /* Size of buffer */
    #define NUM_SECS       50               /* Number of secs to collect data */
    #define ADRANGE        BIP5VOLTS        /* A/D voltage range */
    #define TIMER_NUM      1                /* Windows timer used by this program */
    HWND hWndMain;                          /* handle for main window */
    * Name:      WinMain
    * Arguments: hInstance - the instance handle for the program
    *            hPrevInstance - the class name of the application (not used)
    *            CmndLine - command line was called with (not used)
    *            CmndShow - indicates how to display window
    * This is the entry point to the program. It gets called by Windows
    * to start the program up.  This routine creates the main window,
    * initializes a timer, and then falls into the main Windows Get
    * message/Dispatch message loop.
    int PASCAL
    WinMain(HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance, LPSTR CmdLine, int nCmdShow)
        MSG       msg;                      /* MSG structure to pass to windows proc */
        WNDCLASS  wndclass;
        char      *AppName;                 /* Name for the window */
        cbErrHandling (PRINTALL, STOPALL);  /* Set library's error handling */
        CmdLine = NULL;                     /* Not used */
        AppName = "WINCDEMO";               /* The name of this application */
            wndclass.lpfnWndProc= MainMessageHandler;
            wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
            wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0;
            wndclass.hInstance  = hInstance;
            wndclass.hIcon      = LoadIcon (hInstance, AppName);
            wndclass.hCursor    = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
            wndclass.hbrBackground  = GetStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH);
            wndclass.lpszMenuName   = AppName;
            wndclass.lpszClassName  = AppName;
            RegisterClass (&wndclass);
        /* create application's Main window                                    */
        hWndMain = CreateWindow (AppName,                  /* Window class name          */
                                 "AInScan Background",
                                 CW_USEDEFAULT,           /* Use default X, Y            */
                                 CW_USEDEFAULT,           /* Use default X, Y            */
                                 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZE) * 12,   /* x - fit text      */
                                 GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE) * 12,  /* y - fit text      */
                                 NULL,                    /* Parent window's handle      */
                                 NULL,                    /* Default to Class Menu       */
                                 hInstance,               /* Instance of window          */
                                 NULL);                   /* Create struct for WM_CREATE */
        if (hWndMain == NULL)
            MessageBox(NULL, "Could not create window in WinMain", NULL, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
            return (1);
        ShowWindow(hWndMain, nCmdShow);     /* Display main window      */
        /* Start a 500ms timer to update display */
        if(!SetTimer(hWndMain, TIMER_NUM, 500, NULL))
            MessageBox(NULL, "Error starting Windows timer", NULL, MB_OK |
            return (1);
        while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) /* Main message loop */
        UnregisterClass (AppName, hInstance);
        return (msg.wParam);
    * Name:      MainMessageHandler
    * Arguments: hWnd - handle to the window
    *            Message - message that needs to be handled
    *            hParam - message parameter
    *            lParam - message parameter
    * This is the message dispatcher that gets called whenever Windows
    * sends a message to this window.  WinMain started up a timer that
    * sends a message every 1/2 sec.  When the message (WM_TIMER)is received
    * by this routine, it reads the A/D and stores the values in ADValues[].
    * It also causes a screen update which eill automatically generate a 
    * WM_PAINT message.  The WM_PAINT handler takes care of converting the
    * raw A/D values to voltages and printing them in the Window.
    MainMessageHandler(HWND hWnd, UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        HDC        hDC;                     /* handle for the display device  */
        PAINTSTRUCT ps;                     /* holds PAINT information        */
        TEXTMETRIC tm;                      /* holds TEXT information         */
        static HRGN hRgn;                   /* Rectangle region Handles       */
        static int  CharWidth, CharHeight;
        static unsigned short *ADValues;    /* Win32 pointer                  */
        static HGLOBAL  MemHandle32;        
        static short  CurStatus;
        static HGLOBAL  MemHandle; 
        static long CurCount, CurIndex;    
        int        x, y;
        long       Count, Rate;
        char       OutString[80], *str, *StatusStr;
        float      Voltage;
        unsigned short CurValue;
        switch (Message)                    /* Windows Message Loop           */
            case WM_CREATE:
                CurStatus = RUNNING;
                CurIndex = 0l;
                CurCount = 0l;
                hDC = GetDC(hWndMain);      /* Get the device context for window */
                GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm);   /* From context, get size of font */
                CharWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
                CharHeight = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
                ReleaseDC(hWndMain, hDC);
                hRgn = CreateRectRgn(0,0, CharWidth*30, CharHeight*12);    
                /* Allocate a Windows buffer */
                MemHandle = cbWinBufAlloc ((long)BUF_SIZE);
                /* WIN32: This code is added to be able access more than  */
                /* 32K words of data.                                     */
                /* WIN32: allocate a local WIN32 buffer to hold A/D Data  */
                 MemHandle32 = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_DDESHARE, BUF_SIZE *sizeof(short));
                /* Get a 32-bit pointer to the WIN32 buffer */
                ADValues = (unsigned short *)GlobalLock(MemHandle32);
                /* Start up background A/D scan */
                Count = BUF_SIZE;
                Rate = BUF_SIZE / NUM_SECS;
                cbAInScan (BOARD_NUM, 0, 3, Count, &Rate, ADRANGE, MemHandle,
            case WM_TIMER:                  /* All Timer Events Processed Here */
                /* Get status of background A/D scan */
                cbGetStatus (BOARD_NUM, &CurStatus, &CurCount, &CurIndex, AIFUNCTION);
                InvalidateRgn(hWndMain, hRgn, FALSE);  /* Force screen update  */
            case WM_PAINT:                  /* Repaint client area of window */
                hDC = BeginPaint(hWndMain, &ps);     
                x = CharWidth * 2;          /* Position cursor within window */     
                y = CharHeight;             /* One line down and 2 chars in */
                str = "         A/D Info";  /* Print title */
                TextOut(hDC, x, y, str, strlen (str));
                if (CurStatus == RUNNING)   /* Print status of background scan */
                    StatusStr = "RUNNING";
                    StatusStr = "COMPLETE";
                y += CharHeight;
                sprintf (OutString,"Status = %s    ", StatusStr);
                TextOut(hDC, x, y, OutString, strlen (OutString));
                y += CharHeight;            /* Print current count */
                sprintf (OutString,"Count = %ld    ", CurCount);
                TextOut(hDC, x, y, OutString, strlen (OutString));
                y += CharHeight;            /* Print current index */
                sprintf (OutString,"Index = %ld    ", CurIndex);
                TextOut(hDC, x, y, OutString, strlen (OutString));
                if (CurIndex >= 0)
                   /* WIN32: This code is added to be able access more than  */
                   /* 32K words of data.                                     */
                   /* Copy Data from memory to 32 bit memory buffer */
                   cbWinBufToArray(MemHandle, &ADValues[CurIndex], CurIndex ,1);
                   /* use cbAConvertData to convert the 16-bit values to 12-bit values */
                   //cbAConvertData(BOARD_NUM, 1, &ADValues[CurIndex], NULL);
                   CurValue = ADValues[CurIndex];
                    CurValue = 0;                
                y += CharHeight*2;            /* Print raw data value */
                sprintf (OutString,"Raw A/D value = %u    ", CurValue);
                TextOut(hDC, x, y, OutString, strlen (OutString));
                y += CharHeight;    /* Convert raw A/D to volts and print */
                sprintf (OutString,"Voltage = %.2f    ", Voltage);
                TextOut(hDC, x, y, OutString, strlen (OutString));
                SetTextAlign(hDC, TA_LEFT | TA_TOP);
                EndPaint(hWndMain, &ps);
            case WM_CLOSE:                      /* Close the window */
                KillTimer (hWnd, TIMER_NUM);    /* Stop the timer */
                cbStopBackground (BOARD_NUM, AIFUNCTION);   /* Stop background scan */
                if (hWnd == hWndMain)
                    PostQuitMessage(0);         /* Send message to Quit application */
                if (MemHandle)                  
                    cbWinBufFree (MemHandle);   /* Free allocated memory */
                if (MemHandle32)
                   GlobalFree (MemHandle32);
                return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, Message, wParam, lParam));
        return (0l);
    Last edited by sdherzo; April 24th, 2007 at 02:03 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    Go to following link and you will find every thigh you want.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    There are many ways to do this if you use simple lo pass filter you have to maintain a buffer other wise you can do this very rapidly by FFT. If you want realtime simulations use FFT.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    but fft only give ma a fouier transformation. How do i apply it to a low pass filter ??

    Or cld anyone suggest me how to edit the code above in order to put the ow pass filter in it :-)

    Last edited by sdherzo; April 24th, 2007 at 03:17 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    There are many ways to do this if you use simple lo pass filter you have to maintain a buffer other wise you can do this very rapidly by FFT.
    For a single pole low -pass filter, all you need is the previous iterations filtered value as shown in the loop I posted earlier. The only change (which I thought would be obvious, is switching away from using an input array and reading the sensor (A/D)
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Lindenhurst, NY

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    Heres a music-dsp site incase you didn't know of it:

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

    Re: Low pass filter in Visual c++

    but fft only give ma a fouier transformation. How do i apply it to a low pass filter ??
    You don't need it, but here is houw you would do it.

    Take Samples[0..n], run FFT, clear all bins above the cutoff frequence, do inverse FFT, save just sample1.

    Take Samples[1..n+1], run FFT, clear all bins above the cutoff frequence, do inverse FFT, save just sample1.

    Take Samples[2..n+2], run FFT, clear all bins above the cutoff frequence, do inverse FFT, save just sample1.

    Take Samples[3..n+3], run FFT, clear all bins above the cutoff frequence, do inverse FFT, save just sample1.

    class Filter
       filter(double t)
          µ = t / (t + constant);  
         last = 0;
       double µ;   double last;
       double Update(double input)
            double last = µ * (input - last)+ last;
            return last;
    int main()
       Filter filt(10.0);
       while (true)
            double ADvalue = ReadAD();
            double filteredValue=  filter.Update(ADValue);
            cout << filteredValue;
            // Some Delay to match desired sampling rate;
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