I have a simple 2 way ajax chat system. Basically it's to allow someone to have 1 on 1 conversations with multiple people. It works fine in FF and Opera but for some reason in IE after a period of time, about 20-30 minutes, IE will stop loading the page. You can't even browse to the page any more. The only way to fix the issue is to restart IE.

I can't figure out why. It's like the pipe I make to the server do not close and keep recreating themselves over and over until IE fails.

var updateInterval = 1000;
var users_content;
var chat_text;
var chat_content;
var buttons;
var xmlHttpGetUsers = createXmlHttpRequestObject();
var xmlHttpGetChats = createXmlHttpRequestObject();
var xmlHttpGetButtons = createXmlHttpRequestObject();
var xmlHttpGetSendMessage = createXmlHttpRequestObject();
var timer_chats;
var isDown = false;

function createXmlHttpRequestObject() {
	// will store the reference to the XMLHttpRequest object
	var xmlHttp;
	// this should work for all browsers except IE6 and older
	try {
		// try to create XMLHttpRequest object
		xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
	} catch(e) {
		// assume IE6 or older
		var XmlHttpVersions = new Array("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0",
		// try every prog id until one works
		for (var i=0; i<XmlHttpVersions.length && !xmlHttp; i++) {
			try {
				// try to create XMLHttpRequest object
				xmlHttp = new ActiveXObject(XmlHttpVersions[i]);
			} catch (e) {}
	// return the created object or display an error message
	if (!xmlHttp) {
		alert("Error creating the XMLHttpRequest object.");
	} else {
		return xmlHttp;

/*=== Users ====*/
function requestUsers() {
	//Random number of IE
	var ran_number = Math.random()*5;
	//URL to go to
	var url = 'get_users.php?my='+my+'&type='+u_type+'&get_users=1&trash='+ran_number;

	if(xmlHttpGetUsers) {
		try {
			// don't start another server operation if such an operation
			//   is already in progress
			if (xmlHttpGetUsers.readyState == 4 || xmlHttpGetUsers.readyState == 0) {
				// call the server page to execute the server-side operation
				xmlHttpGetUsers.open("GET", url, true);
				xmlHttpGetUsers.onreadystatechange = handleReceivingUsers;
			} else {
				// we will check again for new users
				setTimeout("requestUsers();", updateInterval);
		} catch(e) {

function handleReceivingUsers() {
	// continue if the process is completed
	if (xmlHttpGetUsers.readyState == 4) {
		// continue only if HTTP status is "OK"
		if (xmlHttpGetUsers.status == 200) {
			try {
				// process the server's response
			} catch(e) {
				// display the error message
		} else {
			// display the error message

function readUsers() {
	// retrieve the server's response
	var response = xmlHttpGetUsers.responseText;
	//Clear the users
	users_content.innerHTML = '';

	//If there is an error
	if (response.indexOf("ERRNO") >= 0 || response.indexOf("error:") >= 0 )  displayError('Sever Error '+response);
	//If there is no data
	if (response.length == 0) {
		setTimeout("requestUsers();", updateInterval);

	//Set the users HTML to the response
	users_content.innerHTML = response;
	//Reset the timer
	setTimeout("requestUsers();", updateInterval);

/*=== Chats ===*/
function requestChats() {
	//Random number of IE
	var ran_number = Math.random()*5;
	//URL to go to
	var url = 'chat.php?last_chat='+last_chat+'&sid='+chat_id+'&type='+u_type+'&my='+my+'&trash='+ran_number;

	if(xmlHttpGetChats) {
		try {
			// don't start another server operation if such an operation
			//   is already in progress
			if (xmlHttpGetChats.readyState == 4 || xmlHttpGetChats.readyState == 0) {
				// call the server page to execute the server-side operation
				xmlHttpGetChats.open("GET", url, true);
				xmlHttpGetChats.onreadystatechange = handleReceivingChats;
			} else {
				// we will check again for new messages
				timer_chats = setTimeout("requestChats();", updateInterval);
		} catch(e) {

function handleReceivingChats() {
	// continue if the process is completed
	if (xmlHttpGetChats.readyState == 4) {
		// continue only if HTTP status is "OK"
		if (xmlHttpGetChats.status == 200) {
			try {
				// process the server's response
			} catch(e) {
				// display the error message
		} else {
			// display the error message

function readChats() {
	// retrieve the server's response
	var response = xmlHttpGetChats.responseText;

	//Split the response
	var ret = new Array(2);
	ret = get_last_chat(response);
	response = ret[0];
	last_chat = ret[1];

	if (response.indexOf("ERRNO") >= 0 || response.indexOf("error:") >= 0 )  displayError('Sever Error '+response);
	if (response.length <= 1) {
		timer_chats = setTimeout("requestChats();", updateInterval);

	chat_content.innerHTML = chat_content.innerHTML + response;
	chat_content.scrollTop = chat_content.scrollHeight;
	timer_chats = setTimeout("requestChats();", updateInterval);

/*=== Send Chat ===*/
function send_chat_text() {
	//Random number of IE
	var ran_number = Math.random()*5;
	//URL to go to
	//We encode it in base 64 just to make sure that nothing gets lost in translation
	var url = 'chat.php?my='+my+'&type='+u_type+'&text='+ encode(chat_text.value) +'&chat_id=' +chat_id+'&trash='+ran_number;

	//Clear the text area
	chat_text.value ='';
	//Send the command
	if(xmlHttpGetSendMessage) {
		try {
			// don't start another server operation if such an operation
			//   is already in progress
			if (xmlHttpGetSendMessage.readyState == 4 || xmlHttpGetSendMessage.readyState == 0) {
				// call the server page to execute the server-side operation
				xmlHttpGetSendMessage.open("GET", url, true);
		} catch(e) {

/*=== Buttons ===*/
function requestButtons() {
	var ran_number = Math.random()*10;
	var url = 'get_buttons.php?sid='+chat_id+'&my='+my+'&type='+u_type+'&trash='+ran_number;

	// only continue if xmlHttpGetMessages isn't void
	if(xmlHttpGetButtons) {
		try {
			// don't start another server operation if such an operation
			//   is already in progress
			if (xmlHttpGetButtons.readyState == 4 || xmlHttpGetButtons.readyState == 0) {
				// call the server page to execute the server-side operation
				xmlHttpGetButtons.open("GET", url, true);
				xmlHttpGetButtons.onreadystatechange = handleReceivingButtons;
		} catch(e) {

function handleReceivingButtons() {
	// continue if the process is completed
	if (xmlHttpGetButtons.readyState == 4) {
		// continue only if HTTP status is "OK"
		if (xmlHttpGetButtons.status == 200) {
			try {
				// process the server's response
			} catch(e) {
				// display the error message
		} else {
			// display the error message

function readButtons() {
	// retrieve the server's response
	var response = xmlHttpGetButtons.responseText;

	if (response.indexOf("ERRNO") >= 0 || response.indexOf("error:") >= 0 )  displayError('Sever Error '+response);
	if (response.length == 0) {

	buttons.innerHTML = response;

/*=== Other Functions ===*/

// function that displays an error message
function displayError(message) {
	alert("Error accessing the server! "+ "\r\n" + message);

function get_last_chat(Request) {
	var ret = new Array(2);
	loc = Request.indexOf('<last_chat>');
	loc2 = Request.indexOf('</last_chat>');
	if ((loc-1) <= 0) {
		ret[0] = '';
	} else {
		ret[0] = Request.substring(0, loc-1);
	ret[1] = Request.substring(loc+11, loc2);
	return ret;

function keydown(e) {
	var characterCode; //literal character code will be stored in this variable
	e = (!e) ? window.event : e;

	characterCode = (e.charCode) ? e.charCode :
		 ((e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode :
		 ((e.which) ? e.which : 0));

	//If Shift
	if (characterCode == 16) {
		isDown = true;
	//If CTRL
	if (characterCode == 17) {
		isDown = true;

function checkEnter(e){ //e is event object passed from function invocation
	var characterCode; //literal character code will be stored in this variable
	e = (!e) ? window.event : e;

	characterCode = (e.charCode) ? e.charCode :
		 ((e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode :
		 ((e.which) ? e.which : 0));

	if(characterCode == 13 && (isDown == null || !isDown)){ //if generated character code is equal to ascii 13 (if enter key)
		send_chat_text(); //submit the form
		return false;
	} else {
		isDown = false;
		return true;

function change_chat(chatid) {
	//Add the chat just sent
	chat_content.innerHTML = '';
	//Set focus back to it
	chat_id = chatid;
	last_chat = 0;

function loader() {
	users_content = xGetElementById("users");
	chat_text = xGetElementById("chat_text");
	chat_content = xGetElementById("chat_content");
	buttons = xGetElementById("chat_buttons");

if (window.addEventListener) {
	window.addEventListener("load", loader, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
	window.attachEvent("onload", loader);
Any ideas?