this is ma Date class, it need to get date and to check if it ok and it can print in diffrences formats

namespace PhoneBook
    class Date
        private int day;
        private int month;
        private int year;
        private bool status_ok;
        public Date()
            Console.WriteLine("  Day of Birth: ");
            Console.WriteLine("  Month of Birth: ");
            Console.WriteLine("  Year of Birth: ");

        // Get Set function for day
        public int GetDay()
            return day;
        public void SetDay(int d)
            day = d;

        // Get Set function for month

        public int GetMonth()
            return month;

        public void SetMonth(int m)
            month = m;

        // Get Set function for Year

        public int GetYear()
            return year;

        public void SetYear(int y)
            year = y;
        public bool GetStatus()
            return status_ok;

           *                      *****************************     Calculate days between 2 Dates      ******************************
        public static int CalculateNumberOfDate(int d1, int m1, int y1, int d2, int m2, int y2)
            int days;
            DateTime date1 = new DateTime(y1, m1, d1);
            DateTime date2 = new DateTime(y2, m2, d2);
            TimeSpan span = date2 - date1;
            days = span.Days;

            return days;

           *                      *****************************     Check the Date Input      ******************************

        public bool CheckDate()

            // check if day number is ok
            if ((GetDay() < 0) || (GetDay() > 31))
                status_ok = false;
            // check if month is ok

            if ((GetMonth() < 1) || (GetMonth() > 12))
                status_ok = false;
            // check if year is ok

            if ((GetYear() < 2000) || (GetYear() > 2013))
                status_ok = false;

            // if ther is an error in the date return error messege else return messege that the date is ok
            if ((GetDay() > 0 && GetDay() <= 31) && (GetMonth() >= 1 && GetMonth() <= 12) && (GetYear() >= 1 && GetYear() <= 2013))
                status_ok = true;

            if (!status_ok) FixDate();
            return status_ok;

          *                      *****************************     Fixing Date if invalid date Input      ******************************
        public void FixDate()
            while ((GetDay() <= 0) || (GetDay() > 31))
                Console.WriteLine(" you have error in day please Enter new Day number between 1 and 31 ");

            while ((GetMonth() < 1) || (GetMonth() > 12))
                Console.WriteLine(" you have error in month please  Enter new Month number between 1 and 12 ");

            while ((GetYear() < 2000) || (GetYear() > 2013))
                Console.WriteLine(" you have error in year please  Enter new Month number between 2000 and 2013 ");
            Console.WriteLine(" Date is Fixed ");
         *                      *****************************    print dates in multi formats      ******************************

        public void Print()
            int style;
            string year;
            Console.WriteLine(" press 1 for print the date style :##/##/#### \n press 2 for print the date style : ##-#-## \n press 3 for print the date style : #### may # \n press 4 for print the date style : ##-#-#### \n  ");
            style = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
            year = Convert.ToString(GetYear());
            switch (style)

                case 1:
                        Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0}/{1}/{2} ", GetDay(), GetMonth(), GetYear());

                case 2:
                        Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0}-{1}-{2} ", GetMonth(), GetDay(),year.Length-2);
                case 3:
                        if (GetMonth() == 1)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} January {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 2)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} February {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 3)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} March {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 4)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} April {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 5)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} May {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 6)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} June {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 7)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} July {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 8)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} August {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 9)  Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} September {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 10) Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} October {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 11) Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} November {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                        if (GetMonth() == 12) Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0} December {1}", GetYear(), GetDay());
                case 4:
                        Console.WriteLine(" Date is :{0}-{1}-{2} ", GetMonth(), GetDay(), GetYear());



       *                      *****************************     End Class      ******************************


is it writen ok? i want to know to write code in good way.