Well during testing the project came up with an interesting bug, If we close the form object (and dispose of it), it's object has not been set to Nothing, and now still responds to events..

Creating the Form ....
        Private WithEvents FormVending As FrmVending

        Private Sub MenuItemOnClick_Vend_CredRef(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            FormVending = New FrmVending(thisUserID, thisUserName)
            FormVending.MdiParent = Me
        End Sub
When the form is loaded it must get data from the comms object, everytime a token is inserted.. Like this..
        Private Sub Comms_Mode_Token_In() Handles Comms_Mode.Token_In
            ToolStripReaderStatus.Text = "[Token IN]"
                    If Not FormVending Is Nothing Then
                        FormVending.TokenData = Comms_Mode.TokenData
                    End If
        End Sub
However when the form is closed, it is still replying to the above code.. even though i am disposing of it..
        Private Sub FrmVending_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
        End Sub
The thing is, I probably can simply add an event to the form so that the main class will set the object reference to Nothing. But i'm looking for a solution where i can set the object to nothing from with in the object, as i may have to add this to several other forms (many of which currently have not been setup for events..) ..

