Hi. Can someone please point out what's wrong with my "=" operator for this class? As it stands, it doesn't seem to do anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class float_seq
	float_seq(int n=100)																		//CONSTRUCTOR. Accepts an integer as the size of the float_seq array.
	{																							//
		if (n>1)																				//
		{																						//	
			number_of_elements = n;																//
			data = new float[number_of_elements];												//
		}																						//
		else																					//
		{																						//
			cout << "Error: '" << n << "' is not a valid array size" << endl;					//
		}																						//
	float_seq(const float_seq &a):number_of_elements (a.number_of_elements)						//COPY CONSTRUCTOR.
	{																							//
		data = new float[number_of_elements];													//
		for(int i=0;i<number_of_elements;i++) data[i] = a.data[i];								//
	~float_seq()																				//DESTRUCTOR
	{																							//
		delete[] data;																			//
	float_seq &operator=(const float_seq &a)													//'=' OPERATOR.
	{																							//
		if (this == &a) return (*this);															//
		if(number_of_elements!=a.number_of_elements)											//
		{																						//
			number_of_elements=a.number_of_elements;											//
			delete[] data;																		//
			data = new float[number_of_elements];												//
		}																						//
	float float_seq::read(int i) const															// READ FUNCTION FOR FLOAT_SEQ. "const" makes function read-only.
	{																							//
		float temp=-1;																			//
		if ((i<=(number_of_elements-1)) && (i>=0))												// ...checks that 'i' is a valid array size
		{																						//
			cout << "Read function called:\tArray[" << i << "] = " << data[i] << endl;			// ...prints out array value
			temp = data[i];																		//
		}																						//
		else																					// ...else if "i" is OOB, user is told
		{																						//
			cerr << "Error: '" << i << "' is not a valid array reference" << endl;				//
		}																						//
		return temp;																			// ...returns value, or -1 if input was invalid.
	float float_seq::write(int i, float input)													// WRITE FUNCTION FOR FLOAT_SEQ.
	{																							//
		float temp=-1;																			//
		if ((i<=(number_of_elements-1)) && (i>=0))												//
		{																						//
			data[i] = input;																	//
			cout << "Write function called:\tArray[" << i << "] = " << data[i] << endl;			//
			temp = 0;																			//
		}																						//
		else																					//
		{																						//
			cerr << "Error: '" << i << "' is not a valid array reference" << endl;				//	
		}																						//
		return temp;																			// 
	friend istream &operator>>(istream&,float_seq&);											// STREAM OPERATORS
	friend ostream &operator<<(ostream&,float_seq&);											// friend declarations for
private:																						// PRIVATE OBJECTS																					//
	int number_of_elements;																		// number of elements in float_seq
	float *data;																				// pointer to first element in float_seq

ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, float_seq &c)
	out<<"\nArray elements are:\n";

	for (int i=0;i<c.number_of_elements;i++)
		out << "data[" << i << "]\t=\t" << c.data[i] << endl;

	out << "\n\nSize is:\t" << c.number_of_elements << "\n\n";
	return (out);
int main(void)
	float_seq V(10);							//creates 'V'

	V.float_seq::write(3,(float) 3.1415);		// sets array[3] in 'V' to '3.1415'


	float_seq W(V);								// creates new copy of 'V', called 'W'

	W.float_seq::write(3, (float) 1.602);		// sets array[3] in 'W' to 1.602

	W=V;										// assigns 'V' to 'W'

