I mean I was asking myself whether I could create classes like for example...

Instead of having to declare a limited number of classes and declare them specifically with names in the code, the user could say, I would like to create a class and I would like it to have this name... Something like this pseudocode...

Program asks if the user wants to create a class.
User confirms.
The program asks about the name of the class.
The program creates name.class.

Also, is there anyway to create a number of classes with a for cycle? I mean I was trying to do an exercise with student files. So my idea is for example...

The program asks the user how many files do you want to create and it creates the same amount of classes and after that the user could edit a specific class by inputting its number or name. The one thing I'm almost sure won't work is classes named with numbers only.

So, is that possible or?