I have an existing VS C++ console application that I have been updating over the past couple of days. This morning I added a new function to one of the classes, and suddenly started getting this error when building:

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: char * __thiscall mFormatDef::ByteFormat(__int64,int,enum siCalcFormat,enum siDisplayFormat,int)" (?ByteFormat@mFormatDef@@QAEPAD_JHW4siCalcFormat@@W4siDisplayFormat@@H@Z) referenced in function "void __cdecl ShowStuff(void)" (?ShowStuff@@YAXXZ)

I have verified the definition, all variables, etc, and still can't figure out where the problem is coming from. I have changed the name of the function, variable types and count, same issue. I jumped over to Borland C++ Builder for testing, it compiles the code fine. I created a new VS C++ project including the class and making random calls to the function, compiles and runs fine.

I have 'cleaned' the project, deleted all non-code files, rebuilt all, same linker error. I am out of ideas. Does anyone have any thoughts on anything I may have missed? Anything to check? Anything at all???

Any help will be appreciated! Thanks,