Hi there I decide to create a personalised Container for some specific reason and now I would like to implement an Iterator that will basically allow me to iterate over the elements of the container.
I looked into the following website in order to get an example, but I end in trouble when I tried to get elements out of the container in their initial format.

In order to be clear I will first tell what exactly I would like to do! I want to add some elements to my container then to transverse it using an Iterator. So basically I would like to make the following code to work:
       Set teste;
	for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
	Set::Iter r = teste.begin();
	for(; r != teste.end(); ++r) {
		int result = (*r);
		cout << result << " ";
	cout << endl;
But I am getting the following error regarding the int result = (*r); line:
-error: invalid conversion from ‘const Set*’ to ‘int’

If I substitute int with const void* the error goes away! What I would like to achieve is to be able to cast the pointer (*rt) to int , which is not possible using my current implementation.

Can someone have a look at my Iterator implementation and suggest some changes that would solve this problem?
In the following two files is my Container and Iterator implementation!

Set.hpp - the nested class Iter it is my Iterator implementation.
#ifndef SET_HPP_
#define SET_HPP_

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <assert.h>

using std::list;

class Set
	unsigned int _size_;
	list <int> s;			// Set of elements
	list <int> newlist();	// private function
	virtual ~Set();
	Set(const Set&);
	friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const Set&);
	int size();
	int pop();
	void add(int);
	bool empty();
	void clear();
	// nested class
	class Iter {
		friend class Set;
		typedef list <int>::iterator LI;
		typedef list <int>::const_iterator cLI;		
		const Set* pC;
		cLI i;
		size_t n;
			Iter() : pC(0), n(0) { };
			Iter(const Set* p_, cLI i_) : pC(p_), i(i_), n(0) { };
			Iter(const Iter & i_) : pC(i_.pC), i(i_.i), n(i_.n) { };
			Iter& operator++() {
				if(pC) {
					if( ++n < (pC->_size_) ) 
						pC = 0;
					return *this;
			operator const Set* () {
				return pC;
			Iter& operator* () {
				return (Iter&)(*i);
	Iter begin() {
		return Iter(this, s.begin());
	Iter end() {
		return Iter();
	friend class Iter;

#endif /*SET_HPP_*/
Set.cpp - In this file there is just some functions implementation body considering only the Set class.
#include "Set.hpp"

 * Constructor
Set::Set() {
	_size_ = 0;

 * Terminator
Set::~Set() {

 * Copy Constructor
Set::Set(const Set& a) {
	_size_ = a._size_;
	s = newlist();
	list <int> tmp = a.s;
	list<int>::iterator rt;
	for(rt = tmp.begin(); rt!= tmp.end() ; rt++)
		s.push_back( (*rt) );

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Set& f) {
	list<int> tmp = f.s;
	list<int>::iterator rt;
	os << "Set: ";
	rt = tmp.begin();
	for( rt = tmp.begin(); rt != tmp.end(); rt++ )
		os << (*rt) << " ";
	os << "Size: " << f._size_; 
	os << std::endl;
	return os;

list <int> Set::newlist() {
	list <int> p;
	return p;

int Set::size() {
	return _size_;

int Set::pop() {
	assert( _size_ > 0 );
	int value = 0; 
	list<int>::iterator rt;
	rt = s.begin();
	value = (*rt);
	return value;

void Set::add(int c) {

bool Set::empty() {
	return s.empty();

void Set::clear() {
	_size_ = 0;