Hi All,
I hope I am not doing some unusual thing. I use to work in EMACS and used GDB for running and compiling my C++ code in LINUX environment. I have to move to windows now but I do not want to leave EMACS and GDB. I installed g++ and EMACS in windows successfully but I am unable to run the program because of the makefile errors. I get the following error:
make: *** No rule to make target `main.o', needed by `main.exe'.  Stop
Here is my makefile which I used in linux:
EXEC	= main.exe

CC	= g++ -g -O2 -Wall 

CSRC 	= main.cpp Eulerian.cpp Util.cpp  advectPar.cpp Random.cpp Dispersion.cpp Turbulence.cpp LocalMixing.cpp

COBJS   = $(CSRC:.cpp=.o)

	$(CC) -o $(EXEC) $(COBJS)  

%.o : %.cpp %.h
	$(CC)  -c $<

	rm -f $(EXEC) *.o *.o
Thanks a lot in advance.
