Q: How to get user details from Active Directory?

A: This example gets NT user name and domain name. Then it opens particular AD object and reads user information.

void ReadActiveDirectory()
	IEnumVARIANT   *pEnum = NULL;
	IADsContainer  *pCont = NULL;
	IADs           *pADs = NULL;
	IDispatch      *pDisp = NULL;
	IADsUser       *pUser = NULL;
	VARIANT        var; VariantInit(&var);
	BSTR           bstr, user_ADsPath;
	ULONG          lFetch;
	HRESULT        hr;
	Text username, domainname;


	//Read NT user name
	memset (username, 0, sizeof (username));
    	unsigned long len = sizeof (username);
	::GetUserName (username, &len);
	//Read NT domain name
	memset (domainname, 0, sizeof (domainname));
	len = sizeof (domainname);
	::GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNameDnsDomain, domainname, &len);
	char *ch = strchr(domainname, '.');
	if(ch) *ch = 0;

	//Form the AD domain path
	Text pathName;
	strcpy(pathName, "WinNT://");
	strcat(pathName, domainname);
	CStringW str(pathName);
	// Bind to ADs namespace
	hr = ADsOpenObject(str, NULL,NULL,ADS_READONLY_SERVER,IID_IADsContainer, (void**) &pCont);

	if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) || !pCont ) return FALSE;
	//Create an enumerator object in the container
	hr = ADsBuildEnumerator(pCont, &pEnum);
	// Now enumerate through all providers 
	while(hr == S_OK)
		hr = ADsEnumerateNext(pEnum, 1, &var, &lFetch);
		if (lFetch == 1)
			pDisp = V_DISPATCH(&var);
			if(!pDisp) continue;

			pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IADsUser, (void**)&pUser);
			pDisp = NULL;

			if(!pUser) continue;
			hr = pUser->get_Class(&bstr);
			if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) continue; 

			if(CComBSTR("User") != CComBSTR(bstr)) continue;

			hr = pUser->get_Name(&bstr);
			if ( !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) continue; 

			if(CComBSTR(username) == CComBSTR(bstr))
				hr = pUser->get_FullName(&bstr);
				if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) 
					full_name.SetAttr ((pchar)CString(bstr).GetString());
			pUser = NULL;

	//Release the enumerator.
	if (pEnum != NULL)
		pEnum = NULL;
	//Release the container.
	if (pCont != NULL)
	        pCont->Release ();
		pCont = NULL;
