I'm creating a C++ Plugin for FileMaker and I'm using the Chilkat FTP Library.

I am showing a progress dialog in a new thread and performing the FTP Download asynchronously but the application still freezes and shows as not responding, but with my progress dialog showing the download is actually working.

I have seen all of the discusions about using while ( PeekMessage ( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) etc, but that doesn't seem to help.

If anyone has any suggestions I would be very grateful.

Here is my code:

success = ftp.AsyncGetFileStart(sRemote,sLocal2);
	if (success != true) {
		return err;
	if (bProgress)
		hThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadFTPProgress,NULL,0,(LPDWORD)&iID);
	while (ftp.get_AsyncFinished() != true) 
		if (bProgress)
			int iPercent = int( 100.0 * ftp.get_AsyncBytesReceived() / fileSize);
			if ((iPercent > 0) && (iPercent < 101))
				SendMessage(pgHWNDFTP, (UINT)PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)iPercent,0);
	if (bProgress)
	if (ftp.get_AsyncSuccess() == true) {
		//Download Successful

long WINAPI ThreadFTPProgress(long lparam)
	return 0;