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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    ChartSpace: Error 438 when double clicking the same portion

    Hi all,

    I am a newbie in using the third party helper (.ocx) and currently I am trying to use the ChartSpace to create a graph from the datagrid.

    The data loads up and projected correctly inside the chart. Then I create a double click event for the chart. Following is the code that is used to check for the value inside the chart:

    MsgBox Me.ChartSpace1.Selection.GetValue(chDimValues)
    MsgBox Me.ChartSpace1.Selection.GetValue(chDimCategories)

    This work if I double click that portion once. Means that after I double click and go to the result page, go back and never click the same portion again instead clicking on the other portion of the chart. But if I double click the same portion again, it prompts me with error 438: The object is not supported.

    What is should I do to avoid the error to come up when the user double click on the same portion?

    As I keep on looking on how to clear off the selection but I didn't get a clue about it.

    Thank you in advance for all your help.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fox Lake, IL

    Re: ChartSpace: Error 438 when double clicking the same portion

    Ask the people that wrote the control. I've never heard of it

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: ChartSpace: Error 438 when double clicking the same portion

    Hi dglienna,

    Thank you for your reply. I have send a mail back to the writer but I haven't got anything back yet.

    When I check using the index, when I double click the first time it correctly grab the index. But when double click that again for the second time, it reset the index to 0 and prompts error. Yet when I double click on the other part it give me the correct index. I am still unable to solve this matter.

    For the first I thought that I could use the index to trap the error. But then now I got another problem that it always stay on 0 instead of the correct index.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fox Lake, IL

    Re: ChartSpace: Error 438 when double clicking the same portion

    Here's where they are trying to go, I'd guess:
    If Me.CurrentView = acCurViewPivotTable Then
     ' Create some variables.
     Dim sel As Object
     Dim pivotagg As PivotAggregate
     Dim sTotal As String
     Dim sColMems As String
     Dim sRowMems As String
     Dim sFilters As String
     Dim sMsg As String
     ' Get the selection.
     Set sel = Me.PivotTable.Selection
     ' User could have clicked one of the following types of objects:
     ' PivotAggregates, PivotTotals, PivotMembers, PivotFields, etc.
     ' Use the TypeName() function to determine the object type.
     MsgBox "The Selection property returned a '" & TypeName(sel) & "' object.", _
     vbInformation, "Type of Selection Prop"
     ' If the type is PivotAggregates, show how to get the row
     ' and column member(s) that define that aggregate.
     If TypeName(sel) = "PivotAggregates" Then
     ' PivotAggregates could contain many items, but because user could have
     ' double-clicked only a single item, it will contain just one item now,
     ' which will be item(0).
     Set pivotagg = sel.Item(0)
     ' Show the value.
     MsgBox "The cell you double-clicked has a value of '" & pivotagg.Value & _
     "'.", vbInformation, "Value of Cell"
     ' Get the total name, row and column members, and the current filters.
     sTotal = pivotagg.Total.Caption
     sColMems = BuildFullName(pivotagg.Cell.ColumnMember)
     sRowMems = BuildFullName(pivotagg.Cell.RowMember)
     ' Build the message and show it.
     sMsg = "The value is " & sTotal & " by " & sRowMems & " by " & sColMems
     If Len(sFilters) > 0 Then
     sMsg = sMsg & " for " & Left(sFilters, Len(sFilters) - 2)
     End If
     MsgBox sMsg, vbInformation, "Value Info"
     End If ' typename(sel) = "PivotAggregates"
    End If ' Me.CurrentView = acCurViewPivotTable

    CodeGuru Article: Bound Controls are Evil-VB6
    2013 Samples: MS CODE Samples

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: ChartSpace: Error 438 when double clicking the same portion

    I get the code from this blog:

    Below is the code in which I read and get the code from:

    Option Explicit

    Private Const HandCursor = 32649&
    Private Declare Function SetCursor Lib "user32" (ByVal hCursor As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function LoadCursor Lib "user32" Alias "LoadCursorA" (ByVal hInstance As Long, ByVal lpCursorName As Long) As Long

    Dim WithEvents oChart As ChartSpace

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set oChart = Me.ChartSpace
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Click()
    Dim sVal As String
    Dim sYear As String
    Dim iSeperator As Integer

    Select Case Me.ChartSpace.SelectionType
    Case chSelectionPoint
    sVal = Me.ChartSpace.Selection.GetValue(chDimCategories)
    iSeperator = InStr(1, sVal, "-") 'make sure we only filter for year or month and year
    If iSeperator = 0 Then 'selection is a year

    FilterByYear sVal
    ElseIf InStr(iSeperator + 1, sVal, "-") = 0 Then
    'selection is a month and year
    sYear = Trim$(Mid$(sVal, 1, iSeperator - 1))
    sVal = Trim$(Mid$(sVal, iSeperator + 1))

    FilterByMonth sYear, sVal
    Exit Sub 'selection is a day or somthing of a lower level that we don't filter for
    End If

    Case chSelectionCategoryLabel
    'set the source object to the proper form
    sVal = Me.ChartSpace.Selection.Caption
    Select Case Me.ChartSpace.Selection.Level 'check to see what level was selected on the x axis
    Case 0 'year
    FilterByYear sVal
    Case 1 'month
    sYear = Me.ChartSpace.Selection.ParentLabel.Caption
    FilterByMonth sYear, sVal
    Case Else
    Exit Sub 'selection is a day or somthing of a lower level that we don't filter for
    End Select

    End Select
    End Sub

    'filters the db list by month
    Private Sub FilterByMonth(sYear As String, sVal As String)
    Me.Parent.Form.Filter = BuildSQL(Trim$(sYear), Trim$(sVal))
    Me.Parent.Form.FilterOn = True
    End Sub

    'filters the db list by year
    Private Sub FilterByYear(sVal As String)
    Me.Parent.Form.Filter = BuildSQL(Trim$(sVal), "")
    If Me.Parent.Form.FilterOn = False Then Me.Parent.Form.FilterOn = True
    End Sub

    ' builds the SQL that will filter the form
    Private Function BuildSQL(sYear As String, sMonth As String) As String
    Dim sFilterField As String
    Dim sFilterControl As String

    sFilterField = "[Est Closed Date]"
    sFilterControl = "Est Closed Date"

    If sMonth <> "" Then 'passed in year and month
    BuildSQL = "(" & sFilterField & " >= #" & FormatDateTime(sMonth & " - " & sYear) & "#) AND (" & sFilterField & " <= #" & DateAdd("m", 1, FormatDateTime(sMonth & " - " & sYear)) - 1 & "#)"
    Else 'just passed in the year
    BuildSQL = "(" & sFilterField & " >= #1/1/" & sYear & "#) AND (" & sFilterField & " <= #12/31/" & sYear & "#)"
    End If

    'Clear the filter from the field the chart is filtered on.
    'If you want to clear the entire filter, just set Me.Parent.Filter = "".
    RemoveFilterFromField Me.Parent, sFilterControl

    ' If there is still something left of the filter
    If Me.Parent.Filter <> "" Then
    ' Append
    BuildSQL = BuildSQL & " AND (" & Me.Parent.Filter & ")"
    End If
    End Function

    Private Sub RemoveFilterFromField(frm As Form, strControlName As String)

    On Error Resume Next
    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRemoveFilterFromCurrentColumn ' This command is new to Access 2007.

    Debug.Assert Err.Number = 0 Or Err.Number = 2046 ' 2046 is thrown when there was no filter on the column
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_CommandBeforeExecute(ByVal Command As Variant, ByVal Cancel As Object)
    ' Cancel the ability to drill into days and hours.
    If Command = chCommandDrill Then
    Cancel = True
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub oChart_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long)
    Select Case TypeName(Me.ChartSpace.RangeFromPoint(x, y))
    Case "ChCategoryLabel", "ChPoint"
    'display hand cursor if pointer is over a label or bar
    SetCursor LoadCursor(0, HandCursor)
    Case Else
    'display the normal cursor
    Screen.MousePointer = 0
    End Select
    End Sub

    Btw, how to put the code tag?

    Thank you for your help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: ChartSpace: Error 438 when double clicking the same portion

    At the end I use the error catcher to get the error and do nothing when the user double click the same portion twice. This is only a temporary solution until I get to know how it works actually.

    Because when I check the index using: Me.ChartSpace1.Selection.Index
    It show me that when the user double click on it once, it get the correct index yet when the user double click it again it reset to 0 (but the index 0 has its own value yet it recognised as an error).

    Anybody has any idea how can I do this?

    Thank you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fox Lake, IL

    Re: ChartSpace: Error 438 when double clicking the same portion

    Try resetting the index after a double-click

    CodeGuru Article: Bound Controls are Evil-VB6
    2013 Samples: MS CODE Samples

    CodeGuru Reviewer
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