This is my first thread so bear with me...

I have a comparison operation between two doubles:
1.	double lowX=  low.X // value is 2800000.000
2.	double highX=  high.X // value is 2872000.000

3.	bool result  = lowX <= highX // result false.   
4.	result  = lowX <= highX // result true.
And no matter what is the value of the doubles the result is false.
Now the weird part is that if I use a VS7 immediate window and evalute "lowX <= highX" the result is true.
If I have a break point and move the running line (yellow arrow) for the SECOND time on line 3 it also becomes true.
I think that result is the first bool assignment in the code because other bool operation in later parts of the code works just fine.
I am afraid there is something wrong with the stack. (Maybe the result doesn't really assigned to the bool result), But have no clue how to approach it.
Thanks in Advance