CodeBeamer 5.3, the latest series of the award winning Collaborative ALM Solution, ships with a new .NET remote client library.
This library is the complete language binding of the codeBeamer web services API for the .NET platform, and it enables *extending and customizing the collaboration server* by implementing remote applications. Typical examples include Enterprise Application Integration, data importers and exporters, custom reporting, and IDE plugins.

The library enables .NET applications to:
* Manage user accounts, projects and access control
* Manage documents, wiki, issues, forums, associations, tags and other collaboratively developed information
* Execute builds synchronously and asynchronously
* Execute reports
* Access Version Control System information (Subversion, Git, Mercurial and others)
* And a lot more

First implementations include the integration between codeBeamer and Enterprise Architect,
a popular collaborative modeling platform developed by Sparx Systems. The integration makes it possible
to collaboratively develop and share UML models in a distributed environment.

* codeBeamer Home Page

* codeBeamer Live Demo

* codeBeamer Downloads and Trials

* codeBeamer Wiki: Remote API Documentation