Hello Everyone,

I am trying to create a record selection formula which loops through all the selected values in the parameter list and checks whether the parameter values starts with "P-" string.

But, it seems the record selection does not support for loop.

//Not Working with for loop

NumberVar Limit := UBound({?Enter Vendor});
Numbervar Indx ;

For Indx := 1 To Limit Do
local StringVar Txt := ToText({?Enter Vendor}[Indx]);
if Txt startswith "P-" Then Txt := Mid (Txt, 3) ;
{vendor.name} = Txt

//Working if I select a particular parameter value

if {?Enter Vendor}[1] startswith "P-" Then {vendor.name} = Mid ({?Enter Vendor}[1], 3)

Not sure how to check the string against all selected parameter values. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks a million in advance.