#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A
int a;
A() : a(1234) {};

class B : virtual public A
B() {a = 2345;};

class C : public A
C() {a=3456;};

class E: virtual public A
E() { a = 4567; };

class D: public B, public C

class F: public D, public E
void main()
F f;
//HERE cout << f.a;
cout << f.E::a << "\n";
cout << f.D::B::a << "\n";
cout << f.D::C::a << "\n";


1. When I comple the above code using cl.exe from microsoft command line compiler, it compiles find and the output is the following:

When I compiler the above code using bcc32 (borland c++ command line compiler), I see the following
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2090 testmi.cpp 41: Qualifier 'B' is not a class or namespace name in fun
ction main()
Error E2090 testmi.cpp 42: Qualifier 'C' is not a class or namespace name in fun
ction main()
*** 2 errors in Compile ***

Who is correct???

2. I should have one virtual instance F:::B::A::a and F::E::A::a and one non-virtual instance through F:::C::A::a
4567 is what E initialized a with, why do we see this? why no see what B initialized? How to initialize a in F or in D in the constructor?

3. How to make //HERE commented out code compile and work, and refer to the one-virtual A instance, with out doing any using?? (is that possible?)