Dear all guru,
What i suppose to do in the following code is to ask XAMLParser to parse 2 events which were bound with different Command in the ViewModel and i just found down that the XAMLParser did bypass the first one which associated with "PreviewMouseDown" event.
So could you please to help me to explain why did it do like that and what should I do in order to ask XAMLParser to parse all of following xaml code

Kindly following the url to download the code

<Style TargetType="{x:Type xcdgataRow}">
<Setter Property="Infras:CommandBehavior.Event"
Value="PreviewMouseDown" />
<Setter Property="Infras:CommandBehavior.Command"
Value="{Binding ExecuteSelected}" />
<Setter Property="Infras:CommandBehavior.CommandParameter"
Value="{Binding RelativeSource = {RelativeSource FindAncestor
, AncestorType = {x:Type xcdgataGridControl}}
, Path = SelectedItem}" />

<Setter Property="Infras:CommandBehavior.Event"
Value="PreviewMouseDoubleClick" />
<Setter Property="Infras:CommandBehavior.Command"
Value="{Binding MouseLeftButtonDown}" />
<Setter Property="Infras:CommandBehavior.CommandParameter"
Value="{Binding RelativeSource = {RelativeSource FindAncestor
, AncestorType = {x:Type xcdgataGridControl}}
, Path = SelectedItem}" />