
I need help for my pong game.
I am using Dev-C++, using the 'default compiler'.
I am using the tutorial at cppgameprogramming.com

Here is my code for the game setup.

void gamesetup(){

rectfill ( buffer, p1x, p1y, p1x + 10, p1y + 60, makecol ( 102, 255, 102));
rectfill ( buffer, p2x, p2y, p2x + 10, p2y + 60, makecol ( 255, 204, 255));
circlefill ( buffer, x, y, 5, makecol ( 0, 0, 230));
draw_sprite( screen, buffer, 0, 0);

srand( (unsigned int)secs);

dir = rand() % 4 + 1;

I get this error:

148 G:\Cpp\Classics\Pong\main.cpp cannot convert `time_t (*)()' to `time_t*' for argument `1' to `time_t time(time_t*)'

Line 148 is the time(&secs); one.

I used the exact code from the tutorial, with edited variables, function names, and colours.

Can someone please help me sort this out.

