
I am using MFC in order to throw events in a custom event log of the windows
event viewer. I am using a .MC file where I store the Categories and the
message definitions used for the events fired on the event viewer.

.MC contains only one message definition since I use a placeholder (%1) in
order to load the messages dynamically from my application.



I want to do the same with the Categories but I could not find how I can
add a placeholder for them. So, now I use static messages in the Categories
which are contained in .MC file.

MessageId = +1
SymbolicName = CATEGORY_ONE
Severity = Success
Language = English
Category One

But I want to load strings dynamically from my application and not
statically from the .MC file. Something like this for example:

MessageId = +1
SymbolicName = CATEGORY_ONE
Severity = Success
Language = English

How can I do it?

Thank you in advance