Hi all,

I'm using a named mutex to ensure that my C# Windows Forms Application is only running in a single instance, on Windows. The program I'm writing is an image viewing program, and it takes in the path to the image to display through command a command line argument.

I'm needing to know the best way to have my original, first instance of the image viewer program load up any image path that is passed to a new instance of the program. I just want this to be a seamless process - "pass path to image to the image viewer app, if it isn't running then start a new process, if it's already running then use the running one to display the image".

Right now I'm just killing the original process, and starting up a new one if there was one already running. This works, but it's not pretty. I'd like the one that is already running to just display the newly specified image.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.