i still need help......

just stuk on this 2 classes can`t go throught the rest need some light to carry on.
Well, what does your design look like? What are you trying to accomplish? If you haven't sat down with your "mates" and put a good plan together for your work, you will remain in the dark. You can't just throw code a a problem description and see what sticks.

You have two classes so far, but your design even for them doesn't seem well thought out. For example, your SD2054Module class constructor
public SD2054Module(String Code,int courseWork , int examMark , ArrayList students )
// setcode(Code);
// initialise instance variables
this.courseWork= 0;
this.examMark = examMark;
this.students = new ArrayList <Students>();
takes a list of students, but only one grade for course work and exams, and only one code, whatever that is. This constructor initializes the exam grade to the passed in value, but the course work grade to zero.

These are a class of issues that show little or no planning or forethought went into the design before coding started. This leads to buggy, unmaintainable code.

Take some time to figure out exactly what you are trying to do, write it down in words and/or pictures, and then translate that to code. Once you've done this, you can post here with code and specific questions you have about the code.

As others have said, we volunteer here. We help you discover what you need to know. We don't teach Java 101, nor do we write your code for you.

Good Luck!