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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    what is wrong in this code

    Public Function SysListView32ToCSV(ByVal hListView As Long, ByVal DestPath As String, ByVal Delimiter As String) As Boolean
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        Dim ListCount As Long, ColumnCount As Long, HeaderhWnd As Long
        Dim ProcessID As Long, ProcessHandle As Long
        Dim MemAddr1 As Long, MemAddr2  As Long
        Dim i As Long, j As Long, lRtn As Long
        Dim sLine As String, sText As String, ItemText As String
        Dim ListViewItem As LVITEM
        Dim HeaderItem As HDITEM
        Dim aText(260) As Byte
        Dim FF As Integer
        ListCount = SendMessage(hListView, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, ByVal 0&)
        Debug.Print ListCount
        HeaderhWnd = SendMessage(hListView, LVM_GETHEADER, 0, ByVal 0&)
        ColumnCount = SendMessage(HeaderhWnd, HDM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, ByVal 0&)
        If Dir(DestPath) <> "" Then Kill DestPath
        GetWindowThreadProcessId hListView, ProcessID
        If ProcessID = 0 Then Exit Function
        ProcessHandle = OpenIPCProcess(ProcessID)
        If ProcessHandle Then
            FF = FreeFile
            Open DestPath For Append As #FF
            MemAddr1 = CreateIPCMemory(36, ProcessHandle)
            MemAddr2 = CreateIPCMemory(261, ProcessHandle)
            If Not (MemAddr1 = 0& Or MemAddr2 = 0&) Then
                With HeaderItem
                    .cchTextMax = 260&
                    .mask = HDI_TEXT
                    .pszText = MemAddr2
                End With
                For i = 0 To ColumnCount - 1
                    WriteIPCMemory ProcessHandle, MemAddr1, VarPtr(HeaderItem), 36&
                    lRtn = SendMessage(HeaderhWnd, HDM_GETITEMA, i, ByVal MemAddr1)
                    If lRtn Then
                        ReadIPCMemory ProcessHandle, MemAddr2, VarPtr(aText(0)), 260&
                        ItemText = StrConv(aText, vbUnicode)
                        ItemText = Left$(ItemText, InStr(ItemText, vbNullChar) - 1)
                        sLine = sLine & ItemText & IIf(j < ColumnCount - 1, Delimiter, vbNullString)
                        Debug.Print sLine
                    End If
                Print #FF, sLine
                ' Release virtual memory
                DestroyIPCMemory ProcessHandle, MemAddr1
            End If
            ' Create virtual memory
            MemAddr1 = CreateIPCMemory(40, ProcessHandle)
            If Not (MemAddr1 = 0& Or MemAddr2 = 0&) Then
                With ListViewItem
                    .cchTextMax = 260&
                    .mask = LVIF_TEXT
                    .pszText = MemAddr2
                End With
                For i = 0 To ListCount - 1
                    sLine = vbNullString
                    For j = 0 To ColumnCount - 1
                        ListViewItem.iSubItem = j
                        WriteIPCMemory ProcessHandle, MemAddr1, VarPtr(ListViewItem), 40&
                        lRtn = SendMessage(hListView, LVM_GETITEMTEXTA, i, ByVal MemAddr1)
                        If lRtn > 0& Then
                            ReadIPCMemory ProcessHandle, MemAddr2, VarPtr(aText(0)), 260&
                            sLine = sLine & Left$(StrConv(aText, vbUnicode), lRtn) & IIf(j < ColumnCount - 1, Delimiter, vbNullString)
                        End If
                    Print #FF, sLine
                ' Release virtual memory
                DestroyIPCMemory ProcessHandle, MemAddr1
            End If
            Close #FF
            ' Release virtual memory
            If MemAddr2 <> 0& Then DestroyIPCMemory ProcessHandle, MemAddr2
            CLoseIPCProcess ProcessHandle
            SysListView32ToCSV = True
        End If
        Exit Function
    End Function
    this code returns the syslistview32 column headers to the output file but is not able to return the syslistview32 items

    can any expert help me on this by checking where it is wrong

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Sunny South Africa

    Re: what is wrong in this code

    OK, if you give us more of a background as to what this code actually does, you might get more decent help......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: what is wrong in this code

    Quote Originally Posted by HanneSThEGreaT View Post
    OK, if you give us more of a background as to what this code actually does, you might get more decent help......

    code is supposed to fetch data from a third party application's syslistview32.the code is able to get the headers but not the text

    below is the screenshot of the app
    its able to fetch Exchange,Instrument name...... the headers but not able to fetch the text in the red box. the red box is just used to highlight the text i want to fetch

    this is entire code

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: what is wrong in this code

    I promise there is nothing wrong with your SysListView32ToCSV procedure!
    I had sent the testing version back to you, which contained a ListView named lvWof and a testing routine which read out the lvWof texts completetly right.
    This procedure works, is well done and seems not to be the reason for the problem you have.
    If you have some more patience, I might give it another go tonight.

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