I'm writing a general purpose templated library for vector and matrix math. I want to be able to initialise a matrix with a 2D array. A matrix consists of an array of column vectors. A vector can take a pointer to a 1D array of initial values. I've tested that this works. But the similar constructor for the matrix causes a sigsegv. As far as I can see, all the array math is fine. From the stack trace, the value for initArray in Vec<4,float>::Vec is bogus. It should be pointing to the first element of one of the inner arrays of the 2D array passed into Mat<4,4,float>::Mat in main.

Here's a copy of the call stack at the time of the error:

#0 00417483 Math::Vec<4u, float>::Vec(this=0x28fd30, initArray=0x3f800000) (E:/Documents/Prog/mathlib/vec.h:145)
#1 00417292 Math::Mat<4u, 4u, float>::Mat(this=0x28fe90, initArray=0x28fed0) (E:/Documents/Prog/mathlib/mat.h:80)
#2 00401505 main() (E:/Documents/Prog/mathlib/test_main.cpp:16)
And here is the relevent code from those functions:

typedef Math::Mat<4, 4> Mat4;

float mat_init[4][4] = {    {1, 0, 0, 0},
                            {0, 1, 0, 0},
                            {0, 0, 1, 0},
                            {0, 0, 0, 1}    };

Mat4 m1((const float**)mat_init);     // Error here
Mat4 m2((const float**)mat_init);
Matrix constructor
template <unsigned int X, unsigned int Y, typename T>
Mat<X, Y, T>::Mat(const T** initArray) {
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<X; ++i)
        cols[i] = Vec<Y, T>(initArray[i]);
Vector contructor
template <unsigned int N, typename T>
Vec<N, T>::Vec(const T* initArray) {
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i)
        els[i] = initArray[i];
And the interfaces for vectors and matrices
template <unsigned int N, typename T = float>
class Vec {
        Vec();                          // Init elements to default value of type T
        Vec(const T* initArray);        // Init from array of N elements of type T
        Vec(const T& initVal);          // Init all elements to initVal
        Vec(const Vec& copy);

        Vec& operator= (const Vec& rhs);

        T& operator[] (unsigned int i);
        const T& operator[] (unsigned int i) const;

        // Cast to any other type of vector (any dimensions, any element type)
        template <unsigned int n, typename t>
        operator Vec<n, t> () const;

        T els[N];
template <unsigned int X, unsigned int Y, typename T = float>
class Mat {
        Mat(const T** initArray);           // Init by array T [X][Y]
        Mat(const Vec<Y, T>* initArray);    // Init by array of column vectors
        Mat(const Mat& copy);

        Mat& operator= (const Mat& rhs);

        Vec<Y, T>& operator[] (unsigned int);
        const Vec<Y, T>& operator[] (unsigned int) const;

        // Store elements as X columns of Y elements of T
        Vec<Y, T> cols[X];