I have a really small app with really few (2: File and View) menus on the main window's menu bar. I have just created an About box for the app, and am wondering where to put the menu item to open it in the absence of a Help menu.

I have inspected many small apps I have on my system, but either they have no menu bar at all (like the Character Map) or they actually have a real Help menu like even the Windows Calculator and Notepad have.

In the past I have seen some apps that had an item labeled About! on the menu bar, where the ! denotes that this item doesn't drop down a menu, but rather causes immidiate action. But I haven't seen that for a long time and am wondering whether it is deprecated or actually has never been "canonical" at all. However, that's the way I have it right now.

Or might it be better to have a Help menu that dissappoints users by only having a single About entry? The File menu of the app in question only has a single Exit item so far too, but it's planned to be extended in the future.

This is for Windows, but I think basic GUI design questions like that are somehow cross-platform.