A program has following 3 parts

1). write a program which calculates the value of Y for valid inputs of -10<= X <=10for a function Y=10*sin(X*18).

2). An extension to this program which prints a line of 21 characters with an asterix "*" at the value of Y with the 0 position shown by "|" . When Y=0 a " *" has to be printed instead of |. (Note: At one particular value of Y only one line shud be printed i.e if Y=5 then

*    |
shud be printed only

if Y-=5 then
|    *
shud be printed only.

3). An extension to this which creates a 21-element array to calculate and hold 21 values of Y for the given function. Then using these values we have to print 21 "-" lines as shown. Here use of functions which pass parameters in/out shud be demonstrated.

I have got the code for first 2 parts which is as shown: and is working properly...
#include <hidef.h>      	  /* common defines and macros */
#include <mc9s12dp512.h>     	/* derivative information */

#include <hidef.h>      	  /* common defines and macros */
#include <mc9s12dp512.h>     	/* derivative information */

// NOTE MUST put this header file in beside main.c to use ascii/float
#include "term.h"           /* functions to support simulator terminal */
#include <math.h>

#define LINE_LENGTH 21

#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12dp512"

void main(void)
   char rx_msg[LINE_LENGTH]="";                 //stores character array of length 21 for input
  char tx_msg[LINE_LENGTH]="" ;                 // stores character array of length 21 for output

  float xinradians,x,y;
  int j, spaces, temp; 

    PeriphInit();                               // Microcontroller initialization

  sendmessage("\nenter value of x");
  getmessage(rx_msg);                           // input the value of x
  x = atoi(rx_msg);                             // convert character value of x to integer  
  if((x>=-10) && (x<=10)) 
    xinradians = (x * (_M_PI/180));             // converting x into radians
    y = 10 * sin(xinradians*18);                // calculating value for y
    ftoa(y,tx_msg);                             // converting y from floating to character
    sendmessage("The value of y is");
    sendmessage(tx_msg);                        // output the value of y 
   sendmessage("Invalid Number");

temp=y;                                          //storing the value of y in integer variable temp                                   

      if(temp<0)                                     //condition for temp values less than 0                                                                                                                                                 

   {                                              // calculating the desired spaces
      spaces=10-(temp*(-1));                      // initialising counter variable j=0
       while(j<spaces)                            // loop for printing spaces
        sendmessage(" ");
      sendmessage("*");                            // printing * after the spaces
      spaces= 9-spaces;                            // calculating new value for spaces after *
      while(j<spaces)                              // loop to print spaces
        sendmessage(" ");
      sendmessage("|");                            // printing | at 0th position

      if(temp==0)                                  // condition for temp value equal 0
          spaces = 9 - temp;                       // calculating desired value of spaces
          while(j<spaces)                          // loop to print spaces
         sendmessage(" ");
          sendmessage("*");                        // display * at temp=0

      if(temp>0)                                   // condition for temp values greater than 0
      while(j<10)                                  // loop to display spaces                                   
        sendmessage(" ");
      sendmessage("|");                            // printing | at 0th position                               
      spaces= temp -1;                             // calculating spaces after |
      while(j<spaces)                              // loop to print spaces after | 
       sendmessage(" ");
         sendmessage("*");                         // printing * after desired spaces   
}                                                  //end main
The desired output which i got after first 2 parts is as shown:
*         |
 *        |
  *       |
   *      |
    *     |
     *    |
      *   |
       *  |
        * |
          | *
          |  *
          |   *
          |    *
          |     *
          |      *
          |       *
          |        *
          |         *
I am stuck with the 3rd part. Some1 plz help me out with 3rd part. The final output after all 3 sections completed is as :

*         |
 *        |
  *       |
   *      |
    *     |
     *    |
      *   |
       *  |
        * |
          | *
          |  *
          |   *
          |    *
          |     *
          |      *
          |       *
          |        *
          |         *