I have a simple MS Access database with some rich text fields. I have been trying to
bind some RichTextBox controls in my form to these fields. When I used the following c# code blcok:
   Binding bd = new Binding("Text", ds, "Words.meaning", true);
ds= my DataSet
Words= my Table
meaning=A richtext field in my table

when I executed this code, I got a non rich text tagged with rtf lables:
<div>text</div> which I do not need.
I want exactly the rich text to be displayed on the RichTextBox. So I binded the "Rtf" property of my richtextbox to the dataset:
   Binding bd = new Binding("Rtf", ds, "Words.meaning", true);
But I got nothing on the RichTextBox.
I don't know why it is not showing anything!
Can you suggest a way to bind a richtextbox and get the proper results?
Thanks in advance