Hello, Im using a dialog based app (VC++ 6), with a main dialog and his child dialog (modals dialogs).
And i have to use a user defined message to send a message to the parent dialog. When i'm debugging, in the handler of this message (in the parent dialog) i get this exception in the return sentence "Unhandled exception in Myapp.exe (MFC42D.DLL):0xc0000005: Acces Violation

Parent dialog header, declaration of Handler:
	afx_msg LRESULT OnMsjGuardarConfig(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Parent dialog header, Declared Mesagge map:
	afx_msg void OnMsjGuardarConfig();
Parent dialog source, file Message map:
	ON_MESSAGE(WM_MsjGuardarConfig, OnMsjGuardarConfig)
Parent dialog source, file definition of the handler:

LRESULT CCalibracionDlg::OnMsjGuardarConfig(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  //i do some stuffs 
return 0; // ==> here is exception !!!!
Defining the user defined message in StdAfx.h:
#define WM_MsjGuardarConfig WM_USER+1 // 
Posting the message in the child dialog:
void CConfiguracionDlg::OnBUTTONGuadar() 
	GetParent()->;PostMessage(WM_MsjGuardarConfig,NULL,NULL); //
Probably is some newbie problem , but i can't fix it until now.
Thanks in advance!!