implement a class Product. A product has a name and a price, for example new Product("Toaster", 29.95). Supply methods getName, getPrice, and reducePrice. Supply a program ProductPrinter that makes two products, prints the name and price, reduces their prices by $5.00, and then prints the prices again.

Your main class should be called ProductPrinter.

ok this is what i had to do, and this is the code i wrote so far, what am i doing wrong?? please help

A product with a name and a price.
public class Product
private String n;
private double p;

Constructs a product with a given name and price.
@param n the name
@param p the price
public Product(String n, double p)
n = "toaster";
p = 29.95;

Gets the product name.
@return the name
public String getName()
return name;

Gets the product price.
@return the price
public double getPrice()
return price;

Reduces the product price.
@param amount the amount by which to reduce the price
public void reducePrice(double amount)
price = price - amount;

and the tester..

public class ProductPrinter
public static void main(String[] args)
Product p = new Product();"toaster");

idk what im doing wrong really, im so lost