I am working on a quiz in VB6. It loads it's questions from a MS ACCESS database (with ms jet 4), loads every field from the database to a textbox or sort of checkbox (image object and changes the tag value from 0 to 1). Questions are shown as they are in the database, in the same order and folows them . There can be 1 correct answer, 2 or 3 corredt answers (out of 3). The program was working fine, until I came up with the idea to add a "I'll answer it later" button. I think I've tried every method possible with vectors to make it work properly and still, id doesen't.

I have here the code of the form:

Option Explicit

Dim raspuns As Sir_Raspuns
Dim stare As Boolean
Dim s(20) As Byte
Dim a, k As Integer
Dim x, ss As Integer
Dim cor, cx As Boolean
Dim dm As Integer
Dim xx, xx2 As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ramase, corecte, gresite As Integer
Dim min As Integer
Dim sec As Integer
Dim ax As Integer
Dim at, bt, ct As String
Dim ptg1, ptg2, ptg3 As Boolean
Private Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long

Private Const SND_ASYNC = &H1
Private Sub Cmd1_Click()
rs!intrebare = txt.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Unload c_A
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
stare = True
cor = False
corecte = 0
gresite = 0
ramase = 20
ss = 1
For k = 1 To 20
s(k) = 2
Next k
min = 30
sec = 0
minute.Caption = min
secunde.Caption = sec
i = 1
If Dir(App.Path & "\imagini\A\1\" & i & "m.jpg") <> "" Then
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\imagini\A\1\" & i & "m.jpg")
End If

txt.Text = rs!intrebare
TextA.Text = rs!TextA
TextB.Text = rs!TextB
TextC.Text = rs!TextC

'c = 0
Label9.Caption = gresite
Label7.Caption = corecte
End Sub

Private Sub Image1_Click()
pic3.Tag = 0
pic3.Picture = pic3_0.Picture
pic2.Tag = 0
pic2.Picture = pic2_0.Picture
pic1.Tag = 0
pic1.Picture = Pic1_0.Picture
End Sub

Private Sub Image2_Click()

s(i) = 1
i = i + 1

If (i >= 20) Then
Do While (s(i) = 2) Or (s(i) = 0)
i = i + 1


txt.Text = rs!intrebare
TextA.Text = rs!TextA
TextB.Text = rs!TextB
TextC.Text = rs!TextC
Picture1.Picture = Nothing
If Dir(App.Path & "\imagini\a\1\" & i & "m.jpg") <> "" Then
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\imagini\a\1\" & i & "m.jpg")
End If
'i = i + 1
End If
pic1.Tag = 0: pic2.Tag = 0: pic3.Tag = 0
ptg1 = False: ptg2 = False: ptg3 = False
pic3.Picture = pic3_0.Picture: pic2.Picture = pic2_0.Picture: pic1.Picture = Pic1_0.Picture
End Sub

Private Sub Pic1_Click()

pic1.Tag = 1
pic1.Picture = Pic1_1.Picture

End Sub

Private Sub pic2_Click()

pic2.Tag = 1
pic2.Picture = pic2_1.Picture

End Sub

Private Sub pic3_Click()

pic3.Tag = 1
pic3.Picture = pic3_1.Picture

End Sub

Private Sub Picture2_Click()
Unload c_A
End Sub

Private Sub Picture3_Click()
If stare = True Then
For k = 1 To 20
If s(k) = 0 Then
stare = True

Next k

i = 1
'If s(i) = 0 Then
Do While (s(i) = 0) And (i <= 20)
i = i + 1
s(i) = 1

' cx = False
' cx = True
'End If

If (ptg1 = rs!a) And (ptg2 = rs!b) And (ptg3 = rs!c) Then
cor = True
If (ptg1 = False) And (ptg2 = False) And (ptg3 = False) Then
Exit Sub
End If
cor = False
End If

If cor Then
cor = False
corecte = corecte + 1
ramase = ramase - 1
gresite = gresite + 1
ramase = ramase - 1
End If
If (gresite > 2) Then
a = MsgBox("Respins", vbInformation, "Rezultat")

Unload c_A
End If
If (corecte >= 17) And (gresite <= 2) And (ramase = 0) Then
a = MsgBox("Admis", vbInformation, "Rezultat")

Unload c_A
End If
's(i) = 0
'If cx Then
i = i + 1
'End If
Label5.Caption = ramase
Label7.Caption = corecte
Label9.Caption = gresite
txt.Text = rs!intrebare
TextA.Text = rs!TextA
TextB.Text = rs!TextB
TextC.Text = rs!TextC
Picture1.Picture = Nothing
If Dir(App.Path & "\imagini\a\1\" & i & "m.jpg") <> "" Then
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\imagini\a\1\" & i & "m.jpg")
End If
pic1.Tag = 0: pic2.Tag = 0: pic3.Tag = 0
ptg1 = False: ptg2 = False: ptg3 = False
pic3.Picture = pic3_0.Picture: pic2.Picture = pic2_0.Picture: pic1.Picture = Pic1_0.Picture
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
secunde.Caption = sec


If sec <= 0 Then
min = min - 1
sec = 59
secunde.Caption = sec
minute.Caption = min
sec = sec - 1
secunde.Caption = sec
End If
If (min <= 0) And (sec <= 0) Then
ax = MsgBox("Respins", vbExclamation, "Rezultat")
Unload c_A
End If
End If

End Sub

Public Sub initializare_ptg()
If pic1.Tag = 1 Then
ptg1 = True
ptg1 = False
End If
If pic2.Tag = 1 Then
ptg2 = True
ptg2 = False
End If
If pic3.Tag = 1 Then
ptg3 = True
ptg3 = False
End If
End Sub

End Function

Any ideas how to make it work?
Or do you have any similar quizes already made? (with answer later button)