I'm new to .NET. I have an application that is running in VB6. It sends text through COM1 port to another device.

When I converted the VB6 code to .NET the string it sends out is different! I have tried so many things and don't know what to do. I used a serial data analyzer and found the two strings are different even the the source code is the same.

VB6 source code:
MSComm1.CommPort = 1
MSComm1.Settings = "9600,O,8,1"
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
MSComm1.Output = Chr(&H2B) & _
Chr(&H4) & _
Chr(&H3) & _
Chr(&HE8) & _
Chr(&H0) & _
Chr(&H2) & _
Chr(&HF6) & _
MSComm1.PortOpen = False

The analyzer gets the following string in hex: 2B 04 03 E8 00 02 F6 71

VB.NET source code:
Dim Port As SerialPort = New SerialPort("COM1", 9600, Parity.Odd, 8, StopBits.One)
Port.Write(System.Convert.ToChar(&H2B) & _
System.Convert.ToChar(&H4) & _
System.Convert.ToChar(&H3) & _
System.Convert.ToChar(&HE8) & _
System.Convert.ToChar(&H0) & _
System.Convert.ToChar(&H2) & _
System.Convert.ToChar(&HF6) & _

The analyzer gets the following string in hex: 2B 04 03 0F 00 02 3F 71

Why is there a difference in the string?
Please help me correct it...