Ok so this is the KernelHandler Class

public class KernelHandler extends ImageHandler

I'm getting a cannot find method getWidth()

getWidth is part of the BufferedImage class

I know it has something to do with inheritance, but I need help, please

//Heres the contructor

public KernelHandler(String nameOfFile)


// here's the super constructor
public ImageHandler(String nameOfFile){

URL imageURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(nameOfFile);
myImage = ImageIO.read(imageURL);
catch ( IOException e )
System.out.println( "image missing" );

// Here's the method were trying to use

public static int numOfRedBoxes(String nameOfImg)

KernelHandler myHand = new KernelHandler(nameOfImg);
for(int i = 0; i < myHand.getWidth(); i++)

for(int j = 0; j < myHand.getHeight(); j++){
if(img.getRGB(i, j) == red){
return numOfRedBoxes;