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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    8 subtraction and addition

    I am having the hardest time trying subtract times in this format:


    The function I am using is this, which I get from somewhere but forgot (it was long time ag0). Recently, I noticed that it was giving wrong results. I tried tweaking it but no success. If someone could tweak it or may be give me another function, that would be really helpful thanks!

    ption Explicit
    Const MSecInSec As Double = 1000
    Const SecsInMin As Double = 60
    Const MinsInHour As Double = 60
    Const HoursInDay As Double = 24
    Const SecsInDay As Double = HoursInDay * MinsInHour * SecsInMin
    Const mSecMult As Double = 1 / (SecsInDay * MSecInSec)
    Public Function ReturnTimeDifference(ByVal smalltime As String, ByVal bigtime As String) As String
    'On Error GoTo lblerr
    Dim TimeA As Date
    Dim TimeB As Date
     Dim Res As Double
     Dim timeparts As Variant
     Dim timepartsb As Variant
     Dim ms As String
     Dim ms2 As String
     Dim k As Variant
    Dim r As String
    Dim s As String
     timeparts = Split(smalltime, ":")
     timepartsb = Split(bigtime, ":")
     ms = timeparts(3)
     ms2 = timepartsb(3)
    ms = ms & String(2 - Len(ms), "0")
    ms2 = ms2 & String(2 - Len(ms2), "0")
     TimeA = TimeSerialEx(timeparts(0), timeparts(1), timeparts(2), ms) '01:04:12.2
     TimeB = TimeSerialEx(timepartsb(0), timepartsb(1), timepartsb(2), ms2) '05:08:15.55
     Res = Format$((TimeB - TimeA) * SecsInDay, "0.0")
    'ReturnTimeDifference = Replace(Format$(Res / SecsInDay, "hh:nn:ss:") & _
     Round(Res - Fix(Res), 1) * 100, "-", "") 'avoids the decimal point and replaces any - with empty string.
    s = Replace(Format$(Res / SecsInDay, "hh:nn:ss:") & _
     Round(Res - Fix(Res), 1) * 100, "-", "") 'avoids the decimal point and replaces any - with empty string.
    k = Split(s, ":") 'avoids the decimal point
     r = k(0) & ":" & k(1) & ":" & k(2)
     If k(3) < 10 Then
     r = r & ":0" & k(3)
     r = r & ":" & k(3)
     End If
    ReturnTimeDifference = r
    End Function
    Public Function TimeSerialEx(ByVal inHour As Integer, ByVal inMinute As Integer, ByVal inSecond As Integer, Optional ByVal inMillisecond As Integer = 0) As Date
     TimeSerialEx = TimeSerial(inHour, inMinute, inSecond) + (inMillisecond * mSecMult)
    End Function
    Public Function SecondsToHHMMSS(ByVal secs As Double)
    SecondsToHHMMSS = Format(TimeSerial(0, 0, secs), "h:nn:ss")
    End Function
    'call it now
    'result: wrong calculation.
    The error is basically related with the ms part which is really driving me crazy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: subtraction and addition

    I think I would take a totally different approach. Without giving it much thought what comes to mind is separating the ms portion from the time portion and compare those then if need adjust one of the remaining times up or down by one second using dateadd() then use datediff() to get the difference and append the milliseconds that would come from the first part of the comparrision.

    Would take a few minutes to work out the logic but seems that it should be pretty simple and require only a few lines of code.
    Always use [code][/code] tags when posting code.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: subtraction and addition


    Thanks for your reply. I went through your advice and tried it but couldn't get it right. Could you do me a sample code?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: subtraction and addition

    Hello (I have not been here for a long time !) .

    I suggest you use a structure ===>> example ===>>

    Private Type my_times
      hours As String
      minutes As String
      seconds As String
      milliseconds As String
    End Type
    Private Sub Commandbutton1_Click()
      Dim time1 As String, time2 As String, milliseconds As Long, my_res As my_times
      time1 = "13:11:25:400"
      time2 = "12:11:26:500"
      milliseconds = to_milliseconds(time1) - to_milliseconds(time2)
      MsgBox from_milliseconds(milliseconds).hours & ":" & from_milliseconds(milliseconds).minutes & ":" & from_milliseconds(milliseconds).seconds & ":" & from_milliseconds(milliseconds).milliseconds
    End Sub
    Public Function to_milliseconds(what As String) As Long
       toto = Split(what, ":")
       to_milliseconds = (toto(0) * 3600000) + (toto(1) * 60000) + (toto(2) * 1000) + toto(3)
    End Function
    Private Function from_milliseconds(what As Long) As my_times
      from_milliseconds.hours = Format(what \ 3600000, "00")
      what = what Mod 360000
      from_milliseconds.minutes = Format(what \ 60000, "00")
      what = what Mod 6000
      from_milliseconds.seconds = Format(what \ 1000, "00")
      from_milliseconds.milliseconds = Format(what Mod 1000, "000")
    End Function
    Should always be right.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: subtraction and addition

    An other way would be the following one,
    But only if
    - the two strings are in the format "##:##:##:####"
    - time1 is "smaller" than time2

    Dim time1 As String, time2 As String
      Dim normaltimediff As Integer, millidiff As Integer
      time1 = "15:08:26:400"
      time2 = "14:11:24:500"
      normaltimediff = DateDiff("s", CDate(Left(time2, 8)), CDate(Left(time1, 8)))
      millidiff = Val(Right(time1, 3)) - Val(Right(time2, 3))
      If millidiff < 0 Then
        millidiff = 1000 - Abs(millidiff)
        normaltimediff = normaltimediff - 1
      End If
      MsgBox CStr(TimeSerial(0, 0, normaltimediff)) & ":" & millidiff
    Altough this way would look shorter and easier, I from far prefer my first code for many reasons.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fox Lake, IL

    Re: subtraction and addition

    Do the opposite calcs:
    Option Explicit
    ' Add a Timer control to your project.  It will be Timer1
    ' It looks like a stop watch in the IDE.
    Dim OldTime As Date
    Dim newTime As Date
    Dim diff As Long
    Private Sub Form_Load()
      OldTime = DateAdd("s", 360, Time) ' Add 360 seconds
      Timer1.Interval = 500
      Timer1.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
      newTime = Time
      diff = DateDiff("s", newTime, OldTime)
      Form1.Caption = (diff \ 3600) & ":" & Format((diff \ 60 Mod 60), "00") & ":" & _
            Format((diff - ((diff \ 60) * 60)), "00")
      If diff = 0 Then
        Timer1.Enabled = False
        ' You time is UP!  Do something!
      End If
    End Sub

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