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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Help using ADO to extract data from Oracle DB and store results in Array.

    Hello again,

    I am trying to use ADO to connect to an Oracle DB, run a query, and then take the resultset and write the fields out to an array. This array will then be used to compare another array for a dependent pick list (where when the first picklist value is selected, the second only gets populated with choices based on the first). It is not working at all as the first picklist is not even getting populated with values. Here is the macro code I have so far. The initPickList routine is where the ADO code is. Note: DB connection parameters have intentionally been generalized.

    Option Explicit
    ' ********************************************************************************************************************
    ' * Caution:
    ' Module level varialbes
    Dim moCtlIndexing       As Object           ' ecIndex object
    Dim moBatch              As Object           ' Batch object
    ' Constants
    Private Const FIELD_MODEL = "Type"
    Private Const FIELD_MAKE = "Workflow"
    ' Pick list arrays
    Dim msTypes(0 To 0)  As Variant
    Dim msWorkflows(0 To 0)   As Variant
    Public Sub ecIndex_BatchOpen(Batch As Object, IndexingUI As Object, ctlIndexing As Object)
        On Error Resume Next
        ' Save batch object for later use
        Set moBatch = Batch
        ' Save indexing control reference for later use
        Set moCtlIndexing = ctlIndexing
        Call InitPickListArrays
    End Sub
    Private Sub LoadPickList(sMake As String)
        Dim nCount          As Integer
        Dim sCurrentItem    As String
        Dim sPickListVal    As String
        Dim sMakeCompare    As String
        For nCount = LBound(msWorkflows) To UBound(msWorkflows)
            ' Get current item
            sCurrentItem = msWorkflows(nCount)
            ' Get make from the array item
            sMakeCompare = Mid(sCurrentItem, 1, InStr(sCurrentItem, "=") - 1)
            ' If this model corresponds to the selected Make add it to the pick list.
            If UCase(sMake) = sMakeCompare Then
                ' Get the make pick list value
                sPickListVal = Mid(sCurrentItem, InStr(sCurrentItem, "=") + 1)
                ' Add the corresponding model to the model field pick list
                Call moCtlIndexing.AddPickListValue(FIELD_MODEL , sPickListVal)
            End If
        ' Refresh the indexing screen to have the new changes
        moCtlIndexing.Refresh 2
    End Sub
    Public Sub ecIndex_FieldLostFocus(ByVal FieldName As String, ByVal FieldValue As String, ByVal bLastField As Boolean, Continue As Boolean)
        ' Make sure we are on the Make field
        If FieldName = FIELD_MAKE Then
                Call ChangeDisplay(FieldValue)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ChangeDisplay(sMake As String)
        ' Clear the Document Type drop-down list
        ' Load the make pick list into the Make field.
        Call LoadPickList(sMake)
    End Sub
    Private Sub InitPickListArrays()
         'variables to store connection variables
         Dim dbConn As ADODB.Connection
         Dim ar         As ADODB.Recordset
        ' create a new connection and connect to the database
         Set dbConn = New ADODB.Connection
         dbConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};" & "Server=mydb;" & "Uid=myuserid;" & "Pwd=mypassword"
        'create a New Record Set
        Set ar = New ADODB.Recordset
        ' setup the query
        Dim mySQL As String
        mySQL =  "Select emplid from ps_job  where emplid=131774"
        'Execute the sql
     Set  ar = dbConn.Execute(mySQL)
       Dim numRecords As Integer
       Dim msRows As Variant
       Dim intString As String
        'trying to get the firstrow from query and store it into an array 
        msRows(0) = ar.GetRows(1)
       ' numRecords = UBound(msRows,2)+1
       'MsgBox (msRows)
       'assign each piece of data to picklist array
       'take the array from before and populate another array that will be used in the compare 
       msTypes(0)= msRows(0)
        ' Define models
       'parese out the stuff in quotations based on value of msTypes array 
       msWorkflows(0) = msTypes(0)="Trans-AP-CorrespondenceReqMgmt"
    End Sub
    Public Sub ecIndex_PageDisplay(PageNumber As Integer)
        Dim nCount As Integer
        Static bDone As Boolean
        ' If the Make pick list is already loaded, no need to do it again.
        If bDone = False Then
            ' Load Make pick list
            For nCount = LBound(msTypes) To UBound(msTypes)
                ' Add make from the Make array to the make field pick list
                Call moCtlIndexing.AddPickListValue(FIELD_MAKE, msTypes(nCount))
                ' Refresh the Indexing pane to show the newly loaded picklist
                moCtlIndexing.Refresh 2
            ' Set done flag
            bDone = True
        End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Fox Lake, IL

    Re: Help using ADO to extract data from Oracle DB and store results in Array.

    Sure you want 0 to 0?

    Dim msTypes(0 To 0)  As Variant
    Dim msWorkflows(0 To 0)   As Variant
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Help using ADO to extract data from Oracle DB and store results in Array.

    Why store the recordset in an array? You are aware that a recordset is an object array of rows already right?

    I would just dim the recordset at the class level and work with that, should be easier and faster.
    Always use [code][/code] tags when posting code.

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