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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    In the meantime I thoroughly examined your .bmp file with a hex editor and concluded it's perfectly healthy. In particular the odd width of the image (159) is not problematic: The rows are cleanly padded to a size of an integral multiple of a DWORD. Hence, the problem must originate elsewhere...
    Last edited by Eri523; August 18th, 2011 at 06:03 PM.
    I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.

    This is a snakeskin jacket! And for me it's a symbol of my individuality, and my belief... in personal freedom.

  2. #17
    Arjay's Avatar
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    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    For what it's worth, I downloaded the bitmap and it loaded fine (on XP SP2 w/Visual Studio 2008).

    HANDLE hBitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(0 ,
      _T("C:\\Documents and Settings\\arjay\\My Documents\\My Pictures\\4by4bitmap.bmp"),

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Akron, Ohio

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    How incredibly bizarre! I copy-pasted your code and put in the pathname as follows:

    m_bitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(0 ,_T("C:\\4by4bitmap.bmp"), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_CREATEDIBSECTION );
    DWORD error = GetLastError();
    and the error is #8. There is no way that is true. I can run graphic intense games on this thing. How frustrating!

    I have poured through the internet looking for examples for loading bitmaps, and have Frankensteined together the following function.

    The trouble is, by the time it gets near the bottom of the function, the destination bits inexplicably vanish. . . at least that's what it seems. It appears to happen during the large loop that transfers data from the temporary buffer to the destination bits, but I can't seem to figure out the problem. (It's the loop that uses int j, just after if(bmih.biHeight > 0) )

    int CDynamicBitmapCreationDlg::load_bitmap_from_file(char *file, CBitmap* p_newbitmap)
    		MessageBox("Error location 0");
    		return 0;
    	//First we open the file the binary mode
        FILE* in = fopen(file,"rb");
    	//Next we read the BITMAPFILEHEAR. . .
    	size_t result = fread(&bmfh,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),1,in);
    	if(result < 1)
    		MessageBox("Error location 1");
    		return 0;
    	if(bmfh.bfType != 19778)
    		MessageBox("Error location 2");
    		return 0;
    	//Then the BITMAPINFOHEADER. . .
    	result = fread(&bmih,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),1,in);
    	if(result < 1)
    		MessageBox("Error location 3");
    		return 0;
    	//Next comes the palette
    	RGBQUAD* colors = NULL;
    	//set the number of colours
    	int number_of_colors = 1 << bmih.biBitCount;
    	//load the palette if the bitmap has less than 24 bits per pixel
    	if(bmih.biBitCount < 24)
    		colors = new RGBQUAD[number_of_colors];
    		result = fread(colors,sizeof(RGBQUAD),number_of_colors,in);
    		if(result < number_of_colors)
    			MessageBox("Error location 4");
    			delete [] colors;
    			return 0;
    	//Now we read in the pixel data
    	DWORD data_size = bmfh.bfSize - bmfh.bfOffBits;
    	BYTE* p_initialdata = new BYTE[data_size];
    	if(p_initialdata == NULL) 
    			delete [] colors;
    		MessageBox("Error location 5");
    	    return 0;
    	result = fread(p_initialdata,sizeof(BYTE),data_size,in);
    	if(result < data_size)
    			delete [] colors;
    		delete [] p_initialdata;
    		MessageBox("Error location 6");
    		return 0;
    	//The data has been read.  First, check if padding is needed
    	//byteWidth is the width of the actual image in bytes
    	//padWidth is the width of the image plus the extra padding
    	LONG width_in_bytes = 0;
    	LONG width_plus_padding = 0;
    	width_in_bytes = width_plus_padding = (LONG)((float)bmih.biWidth*(float)bmih.biBitCount/8.0);
    	//add any extra space to bring each line to a DWORD boundary
    	while(width_plus_padding % 4 != 0) 
    	//Second, we transfer the data from the temporary buffer to the final buffer,
    	// adjusting for padding and inversion, if necessary
    	DWORD actual_size;
    	int offset;
    	//set diff to the actual image size(no padding)
    	actual_size = bmih.biHeight * width_in_bytes;
    	//allocate memory for the image
    	BYTE* p_finaldata = new BYTE[actual_size];
    	if(p_finaldata == NULL) 
    			delete [] colors;
    		delete [] p_initialdata;
    		MessageBox("Error location 7");
    	    return 0;
    	if(bmih.biHeight > 0) 
    		// The bitmap is inverted, so we'll need to reverse the image and remove the padding
    	    int j = data_size - 3;
    	    offset = width_plus_padding - width_in_bytes;
    	    for( int i = 0 ; i < data_size ; i += 3 ) 
    	        if( (i+offset) % width_plus_padding == 0 ) 
    	            i += offset;
    	        *(p_finaldata + j + 2) = *(p_initialdata + i + 0);
    	        *(p_finaldata + j + 1) =* (p_initialdata + i + 1);
    	        *(p_finaldata + j + 0) =* (p_initialdata + i + 2);
    	        j -= 3;
    		// The bitmap is not inverted.  We only need to remove the padding
    		LONG height = bmih.biHeight * -1;
    	    offset = 0;
    	        memcpy((p_finaldata+(offset*width_in_bytes)),(p_initialdata + (offset*width_plus_padding)),width_in_bytes);
    	    } while(offset < height);
    	//Here we begin to construct the BITMAP object
    	BITMAP bmp;
    	bmp.bmBitsPixel = bmih.biBitCount;
    	bmp.bmHeight = bmih.biHeight;
    	bmp.bmWidth = bmih.biWidth;
    	bmp.bmType = 0; 
    	bmp.bmWidthBytes = width_plus_padding;
    	bmp.bmPlanes = bmih.biPlanes;
    	bmp.bmBits = p_finaldata;
    			delete [] colors;
    		delete [] p_initialdata;
    		delete [] p_finaldata;
    		MessageBox("Error location 8");
    		return 0;
    		delete [] colors;
    	delete [] p_initialdata;
    	return 1;
    What's wrong with this code? :,(
    error C2146a : syntax error : nebulizer stained in the tower floppy apple rider. Go rubble in flee smite. Bleeble snip snip.

    Documentation says: error C2146a - This means there is an error somewhere in the course of human endeavor. Fix in the usual way.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Voronezh, Russia

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    That's something wrong with your system, and the bitmap is okay. I was able to load the bitmap with exact your original LoadImage line, with the path C:\4by4bitmap.bmp, in Windows XP SP3. Everything went just fine.
    Best regards,

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Iasi - Romania

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    Generally, Windows API functions DO NOT obviously set last error to 0 (zero) in case of success.
    So, the correct usage of ::GetLastError is
    In our case:
       HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(NULL,
          IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,
       if(NULL == hBitmap)
          DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError();
          // ...
    See also: How to get the reason for a failure of a SDK function?
    Last edited by ovidiucucu; August 19th, 2011 at 01:07 AM.
    "When in Rome, do as Romans do."
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  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Akron, Ohio

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    That was humbling. Thank you ovidiucucu. I narrowed the problem to not having set the CStatic's style to SS_BITMAP. *sigh* Silly mistake. The GetLastError thing threw me off. Thanks again.

    Well, one problem down. Does anyone know why the function I posted does not load bitmaps from file properly?
    error C2146a : syntax error : nebulizer stained in the tower floppy apple rider. Go rubble in flee smite. Bleeble snip snip.

    Documentation says: error C2146a - This means there is an error somewhere in the course of human endeavor. Fix in the usual way.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 1999

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    Quote Originally Posted by paradoxresolved View Post
    The trouble is, by the time it gets near the bottom of the function, the destination bits inexplicably vanish. . . at least that's what it seems.
    First, you should clean the code up, as it won't work correctly if there is a memory related issue. If there is a memory related issue, you have memory leaks and file handles will remain opened with the code as-is when run with any version of Visual Studio above version 6.0. You should change the code to use RAII techniques as I'll attempt to explain below.

    First, use this very simple class for FILE* handling:
    #include <stdio.h>
    class FileObject
        FILE* m_pFile;
            FileObject( FILE *pFile ) : m_pFile( pFile ) {}
            ~FileObject() { if (m_pFile) fclose(m_pFile); }
    Then when you create a FileObject object and assign the FILE* you get when you called fopen(), this object will automatically close the file handle when the function exits without you having to write fclose() in multiple places.
    FILE* in = fopen(file,"rb");
    FileObject fObject( in );
    This simple addition allows this magic to occur.

    Next, let's look at the memory management:
    #include <vector>
       std::vector<RGBQUAD> colors;
       result = fread(&colors[0], sizeof(RGBQUAD), number_of_colors,in);
    	std::vector<BYTE> p_initialdata(data_size);
    Now you don't need that delete [] colors or p_initialdata all over the place in your code. These will automatically get deleted when that function exits for any reason whatsoever.

    The reason why you should really change to vector and the simple file class is the original code below, which does not work for any modern (above 6.0) Visual Studio C++:
    	BYTE* p_initialdata = new BYTE[data_size];
    	if(p_initialdata == NULL)
    By default, operator new[] does not return NULL if there is a problem. Instead, an exception is thrown (std::bad_alloc). If an exception was thrown, your code without using vector has memory leaks, since you never get a chance to delete[] colors, and you have an open file handle, in.

    Using vector and the simple file class, if an exception is thrown, the vector automatically cleans itself up and the file gets closed. You can use the nothrow version of new[], but changing to vector and the file class makes things a little more cleaner with less chance of memory leaks and open handles.

    Now, this code below will require allocation of memory, since you need to allocate for the image data. So a local vector can't be used here in this context (as it will be destroyed on return). If you had a real image class, then you could use vector, as the lifetime of the vector would have the same lifetime of the image object. But again, a check for NULL is incorrect, as it will never happen (an exception will be thrown).

    So here are the proposed changes, given all of the above:
    	//set diff to the actual image size(no padding)
    	actual_size = bmih.biHeight * width_in_bytes;
    	//allocate memory for the image
    	BYTE* p_finaldata = new BYTE[actual_size];
            *(p_finaldata + j + 2) = p_initialdata[i];
            *(p_finaldata + j + 1) = p_initialdata[ i + 1];
            *(p_finaldata + j + 0) = p_initialdata[ i + 2];
             j -= 3;
            memcpy((p_finaldata+(offset*width_in_bytes)),(&p_initialdata[0] + (offset*width_plus_padding)),width_in_bytes);
    	//Here we begin to construct the BITMAP object
    	BITMAP bmp;
    	bmp.bmBitsPixel = bmih.biBitCount;
    	bmp.bmHeight = bmih.biHeight;
    	bmp.bmWidth = bmih.biWidth;
    	bmp.bmType = 0; 
    	bmp.bmWidthBytes = width_plus_padding;
    	bmp.bmPlanes = bmih.biPlanes;
    	bmp.bmBits = p_finaldata;
    		delete [] p_finaldata;
    		MessageBox("Error location 8");
    		return 0;
    	return 1;
    Note there is no need to delete colors or initialdata, as they get cleaned up automatically, plus the file handle gets closed without you having to do so explicitly. There is only one place where dynamic allocation is done, and that is p_finaldata, and that is where you can place the focus without worrying about memory leaks or open handles.

    Now, why your program doesn't work, I didn't attempt to run it.


    Paul McKenzie

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Iasi - Romania

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    Quote Originally Posted by Eri523 View Post
    The most recent user contribution to the MSDN doc on LoadImage() happens to report the exact same problem, unfortunately yet without a solution posted although it dates back to 12/23/2010.
    Just fixed.
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  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    Quote Originally Posted by ovidiucucu View Post

    Now this is a perfect example of a case where a coincidence of several factors obviously caused us to need 20+ posts to sort out a rather simple issue:
    • The OP gets error #8.
    • The .NET classes throw an OutOfMemoryException in case of bitmap format issues.
    • The MSDN user contribution post reports something that definitely looks related (but probably actually not even is).

    At least my own thoughts have been seriously led astray by that mix...

    Will check out your new FAQ entry as soon as I find the time.
    I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.

    This is a snakeskin jacket! And for me it's a symbol of my individuality, and my belief... in personal freedom.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Akron, Ohio

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    Thanks Paul. That does make more sense. Here is the updated code. It still doesn't seem to load up anything though. I tried finding the topic of loading bitmaps in the FAQ but didn't see anything. Was I looking in the wrong place?

    This is the third time in five years that I've tried working with the guts of bitmaps, and I always fail miserably. I'd like to get this working for my own sanity and education. In the very least, I can stop pestering all of you about it.

    // CDynamicBitmapCreationDlg.h
    class FileObject
        FILE* m_pFile;
            FileObject( FILE *pFile ) : m_pFile( pFile ) {}
            ~FileObject() { if (m_pFile) fclose(m_pFile); }
    // CDynamicBitmapCreationDlg.cpp
    int CDynamicBitmapCreationDlg::load_bitmap_from_file(char *file, CBitmap* p_newbitmap)
    		MessageBox("Error location 0");
    		return 0;
    	//First we open the file the binary mode
        FILE* in = fopen(file,"rb");
    	FileObject fObject( in );
    	//Next we read the BITMAPFILEHEAR. . .
    	size_t result = fread(&bmfh,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER),1,in);
    	if(result < 1)
    		MessageBox("Error location 1");
    		return 0;
    	if(bmfh.bfType != 19778)
    		MessageBox("Error location 2");
    		return 0;
    	//Then the BITMAPINFOHEADER. . .
    	result = fread(&bmih,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),1,in);
    	if(result < 1)
    		MessageBox("Error location 3");
    		return 0;
    	//Next comes the palette	
    	std::vector<RGBQUAD> colors;
    	//set the number of colours
    	int number_of_colors = 1 << bmih.biBitCount;
    	//load the palette if the bitmap has less than 24 bits per pixel
    	if(bmih.biBitCount < 24)
    		result = fread(&colors[0], sizeof(RGBQUAD), number_of_colors,in);
    		if(result < number_of_colors)
    			MessageBox("Error location 4");
    			return 0;
    	//Now we read in the pixel data
    	DWORD data_size = bmfh.bfSize - bmfh.bfOffBits;
    	std::vector<BYTE> p_initialdata(data_size);
    	result = fread(&p_initialdata[0],sizeof(BYTE),data_size,in);
    	if(result < data_size)
    		MessageBox("Error location 6");
    		return 0;
    	//The data has been read.  First, check if padding is needed
    	//byteWidth is the width of the actual image in bytes
    	//padWidth is the width of the image plus the extra padding
    	LONG width_in_bytes = 0;
    	LONG width_plus_padding = 0;
    	width_in_bytes = width_plus_padding = (LONG)((float)bmih.biWidth*(float)bmih.biBitCount/8.0);
    	//add any extra space to bring each line to a DWORD boundary
    	while(width_plus_padding % 4 != 0) 
    	//Second, we transfer the data from the temporary buffer to the final buffer,
    	// adjusting for padding and inversion, if necessary
    	DWORD actual_size;
    	int offset;
    	//set diff to the actual image size(no padding)
    	actual_size = bmih.biHeight * width_in_bytes;
    	//allocate memory for the image
    	BYTE* p_finaldata = new BYTE[actual_size];
    	if(bmih.biHeight > 0) 
    		// The bitmap is inverted, so we'll need to reverse the image and remove the padding
    	    int j = data_size - 3;
    	    offset = width_plus_padding - width_in_bytes;
    	    for( int i = 0 ; i < data_size ; i += 3 ) 
    	        if( (i+offset) % width_plus_padding == 0 ) 
    	            i += offset;
    	        *(p_finaldata + j + 2) = p_initialdata[i];
    	        *(p_finaldata + j + 1) = p_initialdata[i + 1];
    	        *(p_finaldata + j) = p_initialdata[i + 2];
    	        j -= 3;
    		// The bitmap is not inverted.  We only need to remove the padding
    		LONG height = bmih.biHeight * -1;
    	    offset = 0;
    	        memcpy((p_finaldata+(offset*width_in_bytes)),(&p_initialdata[0] + (offset*width_plus_padding)),width_in_bytes);
    	    } while(offset < height);
    	//Here we begin to construct the BITMAP object
    	BITMAP bmp;
    	bmp.bmBitsPixel = bmih.biBitCount;
    	bmp.bmHeight = bmih.biHeight;
    	bmp.bmWidth = bmih.biWidth;
    	bmp.bmType = 0; 
    	bmp.bmWidthBytes = width_in_bytes;
    	bmp.bmPlanes = bmih.biPlanes;
    	bmp.bmBits = p_finaldata;
    		delete [] p_finaldata;
    		MessageBox("Error location 8");
    		return 0;
    	return 1;
    Any help would of course be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    error C2146a : syntax error : nebulizer stained in the tower floppy apple rider. Go rubble in flee smite. Bleeble snip snip.

    Documentation says: error C2146a - This means there is an error somewhere in the course of human endeavor. Fix in the usual way.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Akron, Ohio

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    I think I've narrowed the problem to the very end of the function where BITMAP is being filled in. The final bit data is preserved at that point, but sometime shortly after the function ends, a call to p_bitmap->GetBitmap reveals that the BITMAP bit pointer is NULL. Is there something special about the way you fill out the BITMAP structure or perhaps something special about how one uses CreateBitmapIndirect?

    This is confusing.
    error C2146a : syntax error : nebulizer stained in the tower floppy apple rider. Go rubble in flee smite. Bleeble snip snip.

    Documentation says: error C2146a - This means there is an error somewhere in the course of human endeavor. Fix in the usual way.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    Iasi - Romania

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    First, two aside remarks about your code, given the fact you are using MFC:
    1. You have defined your own class for manipulating files while MFC has CFile class.
    2. You are using std::vector<BYTE> while MFC has CByteArray class.

    Besides, my post #20 is enough clear: the problem from the title of this thread is because of wrong using of GetLastError and not because of LoadImage function itself.
    Then, it has not much sense reinventing the wheel and bittwiddlering in bitmap format structures.

    One good approach is to extend CBitmap class by adding FromFile method as follows:
    struct CBitmapEx : public CBitmap
       DWORD FromFile(LPCTSTR szFileName, BOOL bDIBSection = TRUE);
    DWORD CBitmapEx::FromFile(LPCTSTR szFileName, BOOL bDIBSection)
       DWORD dwRet = NO_ERROR;
       if(NULL != GetSafeHandle())
          nFlags |= LR_CREATEDIBSECTION;
       HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL, szFileName,
          IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, nFlags);
       if(NULL == hBitmap)
          dwRet = ::GetLastError();
       return dwRet;
    Another easier way is to use CImage ATL/MFC class instead of CBitmap.
    "When in Rome, do as Romans do."
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  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Akron, Ohio

    Re: LoadImage return Windows Error #8

    Ovidiucucu: Thank you for your reply and solving the GetLastError issue. The FileObject and vector parts of the function were Paul's suggestion in order to clean up the previous version. My current goal (sparked by another of Paul's suggestions) has been shifted to learning how to load bitmaps without using MFC's functions, so I'm taking baby steps in that direction.

    This inquery is admittedly not related to the heading of this thread, so I've started a new thread to cover it.

    Thanks again.
    error C2146a : syntax error : nebulizer stained in the tower floppy apple rider. Go rubble in flee smite. Bleeble snip snip.

    Documentation says: error C2146a - This means there is an error somewhere in the course of human endeavor. Fix in the usual way.

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