Hi, I'm having a little doubt about this new error I got.

I have a class that has a chart object as part of it. When the user adds data, chartareas are created in the class chart according to categories and points added to it.

I now encountered the problem that when I add a second instance of the class, I get an error stating that there already exists a chartarea with the name "x".

Are chartarea names searched globally??

Class.Pet dogs = new Pet();
Class.Pet cats = new Pet();

dogs.chart1.ChartAreas.Add(new ChartArea("Population"));
cats.chart1.ChartAreas.Add(new ChartArea("Population")); --> won't work
But dogs and cats are two different objects! Evidently the name "Population" is registered globally... can I avoid that somehow? Else I would have to start indexing chartareas and that would bug me a lot =)

Any ideas? Thanks a lot!