I've been working on the source code for an RPG game. This class I have here is the MainWorld class, a class designated to control movement in the game. So far, I've gone from about 70 to 13 compile errors. A few of them are syntax errors. The main ones are telling me that my type or namespace names are not found, even though I imported them into my code.

I'm also getting a message telling me I can't convert from int to string with my random functions. What's the fix for this?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace RpgTutorial
    class MainWorld
        List<Character> Monster;
        DataHandler data = new DataHandler();
        Hero myhero;

        public void Mainworld(Hero hero, List<Character> monsters)
You are in a valley, not far from the town of Zalgalax.
Where do you wish to travel?
(NW) (N) (NE)
(w)       (E)
(SW) (S) (SE)
            choice = Console.ReadLine();
            switch (answer)
                case "NW":
                case "nw":
                case "Nw":
                    Northwest northwest = new Northwest(myhero);
                case "N":
                case "n":
                    North north = new North(myhero);
                case "NE":
                case "ne":
                case "Ne":
                    Northeast northeast = new northeast(myhero);
                //NE class will be added later
                    Console.WriteLine("I'm sorry, I didn't understand that.");


            int battlechance;
            int setnumber;
            setnumber = 1;
            rand = new Random();
            battlechance = Random.Next(1, 100);

            if (battlechance >= setnumber)
                int randtwo;
                gibblychance = 10;
                string monsterchance;
                Console.WriteLine("Suddenly, a wild monster appears!");
                monsterchance = randtwo.Next(1, 60);

                if (monsterchance =  1);
                    Monster.Add(new Zombie());
                    Monster.Add(new Zombie());
                    Monster.Add(new Zombie());

                if (monsterchance = 2);
                    Monster.Add(new Borg());

                if (monsterchance = 3);
                    Monster.Add(new Garryxx());

                if (monsterchance = 4);
                    Console.WriteLine("You've been attacked by a tribal raiding party!");
                    Monster.Add(new Barbarian());
                    Monster.Add(new Barbarian());
                    Monster.Add(new Mage());

                if (monsterchance = 5);
                    Monster.Add(new Slime());

                if (monsterchance = 6);
                    Console.WriteLine("A vicious warrior of Gorox appears, a Gorox Paladin!");
                    Monster.Add(new GoroxPaladin());

                Battle battle = new Battle(myhero, Monster);
I also have the full source code if you want to see the other classes.