Restriction the only structure my program is allowed to use for storage, is ArrayLists.
The link to the problem I'm trying to solve is

So far what i got is this,(note that im not putting in the ";" yet)
import java.util.*;
public class Problem

public static void main(String args[])

ArrayList<String>[] list = new ArrayList[23];
for (int i=0; i<=22; i++)
list[i] = new ArrayList<String>();

for (int i = -999; i <= 999; i++)
int count = 0;

for(int k = 0; k <= 2; k++)
{ int a = s.charAt(k);

if(a == -){count++}
if else(a == 0){count = count + 6}
if else(a == 1){count = count + 2}
if else(a == 2)[count = count + 5}
if else(a == 3){count = count + 5}
if else(a == 4){count = count + 4}
if else(a == 5){count = count + 5}
if else(a == 6){count = count + 6}
if else(a == 7){count = count + 3}
if else(a == 8){count = count + 7}
if else(a == 9){count = count + 6}


int k1 = Console.readline("Input X'a milliamps:");
int k2 = Console.readline("Input Y's milliamps:");
int k3 = Console.readline("Input Z's milliamps");

k1 = k1 / 5
k2 = k2 / 5
k3 = k3 / 5;

int count = 0;

//* HERE:
// Use the k1, k2, k3, list[], etc., to examine and compute
// possible combinations for "X Op Y = Z", but use list[] to shortcut
// your combinations so your program will not examine all 31 billion.

System.out.println("Possible solutions = " + count);

} //end main

public static int calcsegments(int i)
//* HERE:
// Compute and return the number of segments in the number i,
// where i is of course something in the range -999 to 999.

} //end class