i have a text file called example.txt and it contains the following lines.

21 squarepants,Spongebob
115 barack,Obama
7 Carter,Mc Farland
227 Abraham Carter,Lincoln

Basically, I have to read into this file, take the last name and capitalize it. I need to have the capitalized last name outputed onto another text file, which i called outfile.
I just started c++ and the class is basically self-teaching. I am not an expert, but i do have 2 approaches to this program. I just need help writing the code.

My first approach is if i can use a substring and take out the string between the first space and the comma. I tried it but when compiling it never seems to work. I feel it has something to do with my syntax. Another possible approach could be if i can clear all the numbers and get the postion of the comma and clear everything after the comma. That way all i have left is a string with just the last name. Well, below is what I have so far. I have included both of my approaches, so someone can correct my code.

Thank You in advance for your help. I would really appreciate it!

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main ()

string line, str, str1;
ifstream infile; //object for reading from a file
ofstream outfile; // object for writing to a file
size_t pos;

infile.open ("example.txt", ios::app); //open a file for writing
outfile.open ("results.txt");

if (infile.is_open()) // if file was able to open
while (!infile.eof())

cout << (char) infile.get();
getline(infile,line); //print out the lines in the entire file

str1 = line;

//Approach #1
pos = str.find(" "); // position of " " in str
pos = str.find(","); // position of "," in str
str1 = str.substr (" ", ","); // get the string between the first
space and the comma

// Approach #2
pos = str.find(" "); // position of " " in str
pos = str.find(","); // position of "," in str
str2 = str.substr (pos); // get everything after the comma
str2.erase(pos); // erase everything after the comma. Is this line
even correct?

cout << uppercase << last << endl;
outfile << last << endl;

cout << "Error opening file";
return 0;